Moonvasion Infinity War Part 6

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In the Mysterious Tower Sora, Riku, Kairi, Ventus, Terra, Aqua, Chirithy, Roxas, Axel, Xion, Namine and Isa are stood before Master Yen Sid who's expression is filled with concern.

Yen Sid: My champions... I thank you all for gathering here today. What I'm about to tell you is gravely urgent.

Sora: What is it master? What's going on?

Yen Sid: The stars bring me terrible news. A new darkness has emerged in the world of Duckburg and Disney Town…in the form of a being called Lunaris.

Isa: Is this Lunaris a toon?

Yen Sid: Yes… and he is pure evil. What he's about to do may not just affect that world, but all worlds of this universe. He's a Moonlander.

Riku: Wait!? Did you say Moonlander?

Terra: You know about them?

Kairi: Yeah. They're living beings from the Moon. They helped Donald's sister Della rebuild her rocket to get back to Earth.

Roxas: Donald's sister. You three met her like a week ago, right?

Sora: Yeah, we did. But why would Moonlanders invade Earth. From what Della told us they're a peace-loving race.

Yen Sid: They're supposed to be…but it would Lunaris has tricked Della and has lied to his own people about her departure in order to anger and motivate them into invading Earth. As we speak now an army of Moonlanders are ravaging the Earth with Lunaris leading them.

This disgusts Sora and the gang.

Lea: This Lunaris guy is lying to his own people...

Namine: And he doesn't care whether or not they'll get hurt...

Xion: That's awful!

Yen Sid: Indeed. He's also joined forces with Maleficent, the Heartless and remaining Nobodies she had taken control of. But the stars bring me even graver news. Donald's star is fading and close to blinking out.

Ventus, Terra, Aqua and Chirthy gasp in mortification.

Ventus: What!?

Aqua: No! Master, please say it isn't so!?

Lea: Wait, I don't get this. What does stars have to do with Donald?

Chirithy: Some stars represent the life force of every being in the universe. The stars that are full of light means they're alive. No light at all means… they're gone.

Sora and his team gasp in sheer horror and mortification.

Sora: You mean...?

Yen Sid: I fear Donald is on the brink of death. He's dying.

Isa: WHAT?!

Lea: Say what now?!

Riku: No!

Kairi: Ohmygosh!

Aqua: Donald!

Roxas: It can't be…

Sora bangs on the desk in outrage and tears.

Sora: How did this happen?! TELL ME HOW THE HELL THIS HAPPENED NOW!

Yen Sid: I will tell you everything you must know…for if Lunaris is not stopped…then we will be faced with a disaster far worse than the Keyblade War. Scrooge and his family alone will not be able to defeat this new darkness.

On the desert island, Donald is still laid in the same position bleeding everywhere, a tide is close to sweeping him away. The battle with Lunaris and the torture he's been through has left him in an unconscious state he may never wake up from. For him, the battle was over.

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