Moonvasion Infinity War Part 6

Depuis le début

Inside the Money Bin's hospital room Della is laid down on a bed after her brutal beatdown at the hands of Lunaris. She's wrapped and covered in bandages over her body, arms and forehead. She's still wearing her tattered gym clothes minus the shoes this time. She's groaning in pain and talking in her sleep.

Della: I…I can't give up…gotta…keep fighting…Donald…Donald…


Della is watching horrific memories of Donald's brutal beatdown at the hands of Lunaris on the moon.

Della: Donald…

Lunaris is using the three Infinity Stones he currently has to torture her brother and she can hear him screaming in pain, making her tone tearful.

Della: Donald…!

Donald is knocked aside after attempting to smash Lunaris with his pipe.

Della: Donald!

Donald clutches onto Penumbra, crying over her corpse before the ship they were in explodes.

Della: DONALD!

(End of Nightmare)

Della: NOOOOO!

Della bolts right out of bed screaming in horror until she calms down, panting and sweating in shock. She holds her pained forehead, groaning and looking around the room she's in.

Della: What the heck happened to me? Where am I? Della shouts in pain, clutching her stomach. OW! My ribs!

Mickey: You're back in the Money Bin, Della?

Della is surprised when she sees Mickey by her side with a grim but relieved expression.

Della: Mickey? What's going on?

Mickey: It'll come back to you. Take your time.

Della thinks for a bit before gasping horror.


She remembers the torture Lunaris put her through, the punches in the stomach, smashing her against the floor and squeezing hern a bear hug.

(End of Flashback)

Della: That's right! I remember now! I left to fight Lunaris!

Mickey: And how'd that work out for you?

Della: Della looks down regretfully. Not so good…I ended up getting my tail feathers kicked and tossed around the front yard of the mansion. I couldn't even touch him.

Mickey: Mickey is clearly angry. And because you locked us out from leaving the Bin there was nothing any of us could do to help you.

Della: How am I even here?

Mickey: Luckily, Launchpad was able to get in contact with Drake and have him head to your location. He brought you back here to recover. Daisy, Scrooge and they boys wanted to stay with you but I made it clear they were needed upstairs so I volunteered to look after you instead. Just what were you thinking, Della!? You went to fight Lunaris all on your own! That was reckless! Della looks down in guilt. Do you have any idea how worried we all were!? You could've been killed! Scrooge would've lost his niece and the boys were close to losing their Mom again!

Della: I'm sorry! I thought I could stop him.

Mickey: If Donald couldn't stop Lunaris even with help from a moon warrior what on Earth made you think you can do any better!?

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