Moonvasion Infinity War Part 2

Start from the beginning

With that…the entire room was deathly silent; Della especially was shocked.

Della: What...?

Lunaris: And I knew Della would try to send transmissions to Earth. I couldn't allow her to leave the Moon, so I intercepted every single one of them to ensure no member of her family would ever come to save her.

Della: Della looked like she was about to cry. The cosmic storm… my transmissions never reaching Earth…?

Dewey: They were all because of Lunaris...

Louie: We've been orphans for a decade...

Huey: Uncle Donald's been an only child for years...

Scrooge: I've been nothing but an old miser for over a decade...

Della: All these years I've missed with my boys… my family… it was all because of Lunaris. How could he?

Lunaris: Eventually, after patiently waiting for 10 years I decided to finally make my appearance. Gaining your trust Della was easy, considering your desperation to go home to your precious family. It was even easier to turn my people's admiration towards you into betrayal after the so-called malfunction in your rocket gave you no choice but to return home without fulfilling your promise to take them to Earth.

Most of the gang, especially Della growl at Lunaris' cruelty.

Lunaris: My plans were finally in motion…and then to my great surprise the Spear had crash-landed once more and this time with a different visitor. Allow me to show you all through these clips the events that unfolded here.


The entire teams watches clips of The Spear of Selene landing in a forest near Donald, his investigation of it and his accidental launch into space. Della curses herself for her stupidity and carelessness.

Donald arriving on the moon, proud of his amazing transformation into his world travelling attire, facing off Lunaris for the first time and tossing Save the Queen at him. But they are completely horrified and shocked when Lunaris effortlessly catches Save the Queen with just two fingers.

Donald: It's…not possible!

Lunaris: My friend…you have no idea what's possible.

Save the Queen is shattered into pieces much to the horror of Donald and everyone watching the clip, especially Della, Scrooge, Storkules and Selene.

Donald fights off the Moonlanders, his cape getting torn in the process. They're amazed and cheering him on but eventually he's ensnared in a net and Lunaris knocks him out with a punch to the face.

They are annoyed and unimpressed when Lunaris takes advantage of Donald's voice to spread his propaganda.

Moonlander: What did he say!?

Lunaris: He said…DEATH TO THE MOON!

Donald is muzzled, Lunaris motivates his people further and promotes Penumbra but Della could tell she was nervous about this lie she's being forced into.

Donald's muzzle is removed and he's in a cell. He and Lunaris exchange words and Donald is furious. To Della's relief Penumbra helps Donald out after a brief fight between them, proving what a true friend, she is.

The gang is utterly amazed when Donald fights off the Moonlanders in the barracks, first with just his legs then with his arms crossed before finishing them off. What pleases them is his unwillingess to kill them since this isn't their fault. His foot ends up getting smashed by a dropping bunk bed.

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