Moonvasion Infinity War Part 1

Start from the beginning

Selene: I always wondered what American TV was like.

Storkules: Indeed dear sister! We must see for ourselves!

Goofy: A superhero from the dark huh? Sounds interesting enough for me!

Jose: I suppose it could be fun.

Panchito: What do you think Ari?

Ari the comes in with many bowls of popcorn, to everyone (except Jose, Panchito, April, May, June, and Xandra's) surprise.

Violet: How does he do that?

May: Classic Ari. And I guess we could kill some time trying this out.

April: Alright then. Let's see what makes this show so watchable.

Huey: Trust me April, you guys are gonna love it.

June: No offense, but I doubt that.

Louie: That's exactly what I sad until I watched all of it.

Launchpad: Launchpad takes his seat. Say, has anyone seen Dewey?

Panchito: Della and Daisy are missing too.

Mickey: They all went to Scrooge's office. They told me something really big had come up and they had to tell him.

Minnie: That worries me a little. I wonder what the problem is.

Meanwhile, Scrooge was in his office to enjoy a quiet morning. He turns a record which plays soothing Scottish music, pours in Nutmeg tea and takes his to sip it in. At that moment Della walks in nervously and Scrooge is delighted to see her.

Scrooge: Ah, Della. What can I do for you on this beautiful morning?

Della clutches her hands as she anxiously walks up to her uncle.

Della: Uncle Scrooge…remember how great you felt after I came back from the moon after all those years…all the unconditional love!

Scrooge: More than you'll ever know lass. I'll remember that feeling always.

Della: Great…I really need you to hold onto that feeling for what you're about to hear.

Scrooge: Scrooge lowers an eyebrow in concern and confusion. Eh…okay. What's the matter…?

Daisy: This is what the matter is.

Scrooge watches Daisy and Dewey walk worriedly walk inside, the former holding Della's radio.

Scrooge: Ah, Dewey, Daisy, good morning!

Dewey: Morning, Uncle Scrooge. So, yeah…there's a something we need to tell you.

Daisy: It's really important you listen to the transmission we received on this radio.

Scrooge: I don't see why not, but before I do, I'd like to show you the special guest who came to visit us recently.

Della, Daisy & Dewey: Special guest?

Scrooge presses a button underneath his desk and the 3 of them jump in surprise when Goldie O'Gilt drops down from the ceiling ensnared in rope. She is clearly bemused and Della and Daisy are shocked.

Goldie: Surprise.

Della & Daisy: Goldie O'Gilt!

Dewey gets a plate and tosses it at Goldie's face, much to her annoyance.

Goldie: Ow…

Dewey: Just had to be sure that was really Goldie.

Della: What the heck are you doing here you shifty scavenger!?

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