Chapter 1

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Trigger Warning: contains Emotional Abuse, Sexual Assault and Past Self-Harm

Hinata P.O.V

It was lunch and I was eating alone in the club room. People expect me to eat with Kageyama cause he's my boyfriend but I can't bring myself to. When people are around he acts like the perfect boyfriend. Messing around and having fun. Being sweet and loving. But it's just lie. His true colours show when we're alone and there's no one there watching. He doesn't love me, not like he used to. He only stays to torment me cause he knows I'm too weak to leave. He's a monster and I'm his prey. As I sat alone in the club room I felt my makes fall off. Tears began falling down my cheeks as my normally positive and bright aura disappeared. It was at times like this when I was alone I let my true self show. Little did I know that I wasn't as alone as I thought.

During practice things were ok. Everything seemed to be normal. But when Practice was over, Kageyama insisted on going home with me. I had no real excuse as to why he couldn't. Everyone knew that my parents and Natsu were out of town for the week visiting my grandparents and it was Friday so there was no school tomorrow. "" I said quietly as I packed my things up to leave. 

"What was that Hinata?" Kageyama asked. I know he heard me and that it wasn't really a question. I sighed and shock my head. 

"Nothing...." I said packing the rest of my things and heading out of the club room to get my bike. 

Kageyama and I walked side by side to my house. As we approached the door I pulled out my key and opened the door. Kageyama just let himself in feeling right at home. I just wanted to leave. I went up to my room and Kageyama followed. I wanted to get out of my uniform and into something a little more comfortable but didn't want Kageyama in the room. "Hey...could you give me a minute to get changed....?" I asked but Kageyama didn't reply. He just walked over and leaned into my ear. 

"Why? It's not like you haven't changed in front of me before," he whispered. I felt eerily uncomfortable but knew he wasn't going to leave. I grabbed a change of clothes and began to take my uniform off. I had just taken off my jacket and hoodie when Kageyama grabbed me from behind and began lightly kissing my neck. I felt every hair on my body stand up. I tried moving away but his pulled me back and held me. 

"Please...stop..." I asked quietly but he ignored me and kept going. I gathered all my strength and pushed him away. "I asked you to stop," I said sounding more confident. Kageyama glared at me before looking at my arms. He then grabbed my wrists angrily. 

"What the fuck is this??" he asked angrily showing me my forearms. 

"'s nothing..." I said trying to brush off his discovery. 

"Oh please, I'm not fucking retarded! You've been cutting yourself!!" he yelled causing me to start crying. He glared at me expecting me to answer but I didn't know what to say. "Whatever, cut yourself for all I care, I'm leaving, see you at practice," he said grabbing his stuff and leaving, slamming the door behind him. After he left I collapsed to the ground as the tears began flowing. It's's my fault he's like this...

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