Kyo - thanks *leaves*

Tsubaki - so... whens the wedding

Sona - s..shut up *blushes heavily*

Sona - *in mind* there's no way he is just a human

We see kyo reach his class and knock on the door, to be meet with the teacher a nice black haired woman by the name of ms. Chisiki

Ms C - ahh you must be the new student wait out here for a moment

She then goes back to the class to announce a new student to be met with mixed reactions

G1 - I hope its a cute boy

G2 - yeah and not a pervert, we have enough of those already

B1 - I hope its a hotty with big tits

B2 - yeah!!! *high fives b1*

Ms C - you can come in now

Kyo walks into the room to hear two things squels of excitement from the girls and groans of disappointment from the guys

Kyo - ello' everybody, my name is kyo gilgamesh I'm from London so I hope we can get along my likes are manga and cats

A girl then raises her hand

Kyo - yes? Do you have a question?

G1 - yes, are you a pervert?

Kyo - no, while I can appreciate the female form as much as anyone else I actually hate perverts

The girl then sat down down satisfied with the answer she was given

A familiar brown haired boy then raises his hand

BB - you said you were from England right? As a man of Japan I must know whats your favorite part of a girls body

Kyo - well personally, I love the part that shuts you up fastest you mongrel *chuckles*

BB - why you

Ms C - alright thats enough lets get on with class. Kyo you can sit besides kiryu, kiryu please raise your hand.

Just like that a brown haired girl with thin rimmed glasses rose her hand gaining jealous looks from the girls

G1 - kiryu!!! Your so lucky

G2 - yeah no fair!!!

Kyo goes to his new seat and sits down

Kyo - nice to meet you, kiryu

Kiryu the looks towards kyo, specifically his crotch as if scanning for something until she gets a nose bleed and begins to mutter something about 10 inches

Kiryu - *mumbling* big *thumbs up the girls*

The rest of the class goes by as normal by the end of the day we see kyo walking the halls until he stops at a bulletin board with different flyers for the different clubs at the school none of them catch his interest until he spots a flyer for the manga club deciding to check it out he walks to the designated room to see three girls arguing while in cosplay

G1 - no mine looks best

G2 - no mine *tiredly*

G3 - would you two stop arguing, we have a guest. Welcome to the manga club whats your name

Kyo - ello' my name is kyo I'm the new exchange student and I saw your flyer also, nice cosplays

G3 - well thanks, also nice to met you I'm akashi, the green haired one is chemi, and the purple haired one is downerd but we call her downy

Kyo - well it's nice to meet you guys are there any other members I should no of

Akashi - nope we are the only members

Kyo - ok is there anything I need to sign in order to join

Akashi - nope we meet every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

Kyo - wait if thats the case why are you three here its Monday

Downy - we can't afford a place to stay so the school lets us stay in the clubroom even gave us a bathroom and a kitchen we have to buy groceries though

Kyo - ahh, well sorry about that wish I could help

Chemi - well you can

Kyo - how

Chemi - do you have any spare room

Kyo - I have an extra bed room

Chemi - then would you mind if we stayed with you

Kyo - I mean the bed is only a queen

All three - only!!! We've been having to share the couch!!!

Kyo - well if you three are fine with it give me a few days to gets some stuff for the room then you guys can move in

All three - thanks alot kyo

Kyo then decided to head out for the day on his way back home however he spotted a black cat with a wounded leg limping through an alleyway being the good Samaritan he is, he decided to help the poor feline by wrapping its leg for it with some bandages and cleaned the wound with some alcohol.

Kyo - sorry it isn't the best but it should do.

The cat then nuzzles into his leg causing kyo to pet the cat on its head gently

Kyo - you wanna come home with me little guy

The cat then let out a meow in a affirmative manner confirming that it wanted to go home with him

Kyo - alright then *opens up his backpack* hop in

The cat hopped into the bag and the two set off for kyo's house which is a two bed 1 1/2 bath with a fully equipped kitchen and a walk in pantry

Kyo - alright we're here *opens bag* aaand your asleep

Kyo carries the sleeping cat and places it on a pillow in his bedroom

Kyo leaves the cat to sleep as he goes to take a shower and prepare for sleep and the morning to come

An: this is legitimately my longest chapter I've typed on wattpad. What did y'all think of me including the manga club girls as characters if you couldn't tell I based them off yugioh cards if you know which ones you get a special brownie

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