Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

"I love you too. You also are still pretty good at kissing." She playfully rolled her eyes at me,

"Thanks babe, really feeling the love right now."

"Good." She smiled down at me and just traced the features on my face. I accidentally took a deep breath to calm down and scrunched my face up in pain as my burned side was not having it. Rosie looked down at me worriedly,

"How bad is it?"

"Eh, I mean kinda bad." I lied to her. It was actually extremely painful and I absolutely hated it, but I knew I couldn't say that. She gave me a look and I sighed, "it's bad."

"Show me."

"I'd rather not have to look and whip marks and burned skin." I told her truthfully. She gave me a nod,

"I understand, but then just let me see." I raised an eyebrow,

"Are you sure baby?" I asked her quietly. She gave me a small smile,

"I am." I looked at her for a few moments longer before allowing her to slowly lift up my shirt. I groaned painfully as my shirt was getting lifted up, "I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry." Rosie said with a wavering voice as she continued to lift up my shirt.

I heard her gasp and a quiet sob fell from her lips as my shirt was fully lifted up. It was scrunched up around my bra and I felt the faintest touches on my skin. It made me flinch a little, but Rosie was so gentle and caring. I just closed my eyes because I didn't want to see the state my body was in right now. I felt her hands near where my side burn was and she slowly traced the whip marks, which I quickly took her hand in mine and moved it away as it stung.

"Sorry," she said softly as I just gave her a forced smile,

"It's okay." I responded, still holding her hand in mine. I could feel her eyes on me more and I just tried to think about something else to distract me from the pain.

"Can you put my shirt back down? The air hitting the marks is hurting." Rosie quickly took hold of my shirt and gently pulled it back down. I felt a kiss on my forehead and I fluttered my eyes open.

"I'm sorry–"

"Baby, please stop apologizing. I don't blame you at all, so please stop feeling guilty about it." I said to her as she just looked away from my eyes, telling me that she doesn't believe my words.

"I just can't help seeing your broken body and blaming myself. If only I was stronger and didn't let them take me–"

I used my power to sit up, my body screaming at me to lay back down, but I didn't. Rosie's eyes snapped over to me and panicked seeing me sitting upright,

"Y/n, lay back down!" I shook my head at her and reached out weakly to cup both sides of her face softly. Her wide eyes stared back at me as I spoke to her,

"Roseanne Park, I do not blame you for anything that has happened to me in the past day. Everything was my choice and you had no effect on it. Do you understand me?" Rosie stayed silent; the conflict swirling around in her eyes. I just waited for her to give me an answer; preferably the one I want. When I heard the sigh of defeat from her lips, I knew I won.

"Yes I understand." She said to me,

"Repeat after me." I stated.


"I, Roseanne Park," she squinted her eyes at me, but still repeated,

"I, Roseanne Park."

"Do not blame myself for what has happened to y/n." I watched her suck in a breath of hesitation before actually saying it,

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