Chapter Eleven

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I continued writing in my journal for the rest of the evening; filling up about ten pages with my interesting feelings for Rosie. I don't understand why I even have them in the first place now. She has brought up multiple times that she has a boyfriend and that she is helplessly in love with him. I am obviously going to respect that and not try to force my new feelings onto her; even if we never get off this island.

I grew tired and decided to call it a night, getting up and stretching a little before walking inside my home. The fire was just embers at this point and the only real light source was coming from a candle Rosie had lit. She was sitting and had a canvas displayed in front of her. The light flickering on the canvas showcased the shadows she was able to create with the consistency of the oil paint. I decided to make myself known to her because she was fully concentrated on the forming artwork in her sights.

"Hey Rosie." I said quietly after she had brought her brush away from the canvas so if she got scared by my voice, she wouldn't mess up. She turned her head towards my voice and smiled softly as our eyes met,

"Hi, are you going to bed now?" She asked me as she brushed the few strands of hair that had fallen out of her ponytail out of her face. I nodded my head and took my boots, hat, and coat off,

"I am. You can continue painting if you aren't tired yet. The light won't bother me; the only thing that will bother me is if you talk." She rolled her eyes at me,

"I'll make sure to scream your name for fun."

"You better not because if you do, my fist is going through that canvas."

"Alright, shut up and sleep." She told me as she turned back around to face her canvas. I laughed a little to myself and laid down on my bed, facing her,

"Night." I said, finding a comfortable sleeping position.

"Night," Rosie said in return as she halfheartedly waved a paint brush, like she was waving to me. I cracked a smile and closed my eyes, ready to fall asleep and get my energy back for the new day.

But my mind wasn't letting me fall asleep. There were a lot of thoughts clouding it, making it impossible for me to sleep. And the reason my thoughts were alive tonight was because of Rosie. I just pushed all those thoughts and emotions aside and started to just imagine myself relaxing on the beach. Doing this has always helped me fall asleep because it makes my body relax as well.

I finally felt my body sink down into my bed and I let out a big sigh as I started to slip into unconsciousness. But before I could fully get under the spell of sleep, warm fingers danced across my face. I kept still and felt them lightly drag from my jawline all the way up to my temple. I then heard her whisper softly in the night air,

"Y/n, what do you truly think of me?"

Uh, excuse you? I don't know why in the world she wants to know what I truly think about her. And why does she even care anyways? She literally hates me. I felt her fingers pull back from my skin and stupidly enough, I already missed the small touches. I willed my mind to keep me awake and I heard her blow the candle out; moving things around for a little while after.

I heard her still moving around my home before I felt her body lay down next to mine. I could tell by the way her body pressed against mine that she was facing me. Rosie snuggled her face up against my neck and then I felt her softly grab my arm and place it over top of her body so I was hugging her. I really tried to keep my breathing steady and my heartbeat to chill out because right now it is beating way too fast for my liking.

Hopefully her idiot side kicks in and she doesn't know why my heart is beating super fast.

After some time, she got comfortable and I heard her breathing steady out. I then waited a little longer before actually pulling her body closer to mine. I rested my head on top of hers and drifted off to sleep with a small, content smile on my face.

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