Chapter Three

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The stupid sounds of waves crashing woke me up and I was immediately pissed off because that means I'm still alive for some reason. I opened my eyes and wasn't actually blinded by sunlight, but moonlight. I could see the bleeding colors of the sunrise starting from behind me and I sighed as I sat up on the oh so familiar beach. I brushed the sand out of my hair lazily and looked over behind me to see Rosé sound asleep a ways away.

I rolled my eyes at mainly myself because apparently my body still wanted to survive, but my mind obviously didn't. I got up slowly but surely and didn't have enough energy to kept myself upright as I fell back to the ground. I mean, the only things I have eaten since getting here is a mango and a crab; that doesn't scream energy.

"Whatever." I mumbled to myself as I just laid back down on the sand.

"I thought you were dead." Rosé said as she approached me. I bit back a sarcastic remark and just asked her something else,

"How did I end up this far up the beach?" I asked her as I looked over at her. Her eyes immediately left mine as she looked out into the ocean.

"The tide." I furrowed my eyebrows at her in confusion. I was only a mere 10 meters away from her area and the water only ever got up to within 15.

"No. I've watched the tides here and there's no way I could've washed up this far." I explained to her.

"You did! I literally watched your what I assumed lifeless body wash up!" She said, defending herself. I squinted at her, but I decided to drop it and just close my eyes and wait to die.

"You can leave now." I said with my eyes still closed because I haven't heard her walk away yet.

"I–... okay." She said finally as I heard the sand getting pressed down under her footsteps. I just laid there, letting the sun beat down on me like the first time I was washed ashore. I got bored quite quickly and sat up once again, walking over to my shady area. I rested against the tree and saw my pouch of things was still here. I was curious as to why Rosé didn't take anything. I looked around and saw that she actually didn't take anything else, even though I told her it was fine.

I just moved some stuff around and made the area look nicer than it did before. As I was doing this, I heard footsteps coming towards me, causing me to pause and look back behind me. I saw Rosé walking over to me and I just continued watching her until she looked up from her feet and into my eyes. Her brown eyes looked lighter with the sunlight shining into them. Then she just sat down in my area and I just stared at her, extremely confused.

"Uh, may I help you?"

"Why do you want to die?" She asked me, tilting her head slightly as she actually looked interested to know my answer.

"Well what's the point of living if I may never get off this island?" I told her as I busied myself with the carving I was doing before. She glanced down at it for a second before responding,

"You know our crews aren't giving up." She said to me. I scoffed,

"I know, but that doesn't mean they know where we are. Hell, I don't even know where we are and I've studied countless maps of the Atlantic Ocean." I explained to her as I aggressively chipped away at the wood.

"But why do you want to die when you're only 22?" I glanced up at her from the carving,

"Why do I need to live longer? I obviously don't have a family and I'm already halfway to death anyway." I told her.

People think that when a lady turns 13, she's old enough to get married off and start a family. Most people live only until 35 years old, so they try and have as many babies as possible. But, the survival rate for newborns is very low for the poor. I'm my parent's only child and they couldn't keep me, so I left on my own at 12 and found out about becoming a sea scavenger. I was interested and learned under some older people about the basics for it. I wasn't forced to get married or have a family because these people didn't believe in that, which I was thankful for. Plus, I wouldn't want babies anyway.

High Sea's Love (Rosé x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now