Chapter Twenty-Two

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3rd person POV

"YOU GET OUT NOW" fatty screamed at jake making Jake laugh as everyone tried holding him back

Fatty and Jake had the most problems fatty always hated Jake for what he did to gulf all did but fatty saw what he did what his own eyes which made his hatred second after gulfs

"胖子冷静下来 (Pàngzi lěngjìng xiàlái) (fatty calm down)" gulf spoke while trying to keep fatty back as well as everyone else

"What a lovely sight everyone protecting me" Jake smile making gulf get even more angry as he heard him laughing

"Cut the bullshit Jake leave now" gulf said

"GET THE FUCK OUT" Fatty screamed

"Not until I talk to gulf ALONE" Jake smirked

"I'm warning you jackass" lu yue spoke in a loud voice

"Ahhh I'm so scared please protect me again" Jake started laughing making smiling throw her heel at him

"Now shut the hell up" she said taking her other heel off helping stop fatty again

"You bit-"

"I dare you to finish that" cheng he warned as he forced fatty into the chair

"Tape" old cat said throwing k the tape they all started taping him down

"Okay I'm calm" fatty said taking a few deep breaths

"And I'm bored" Jake sighed looking at his nails

"Fatty" gulf warned when seeing fatty ball his fist up and wiggle inside the tape

"You wanna talk Jake...... let's talk" gulf said and Jake smiled


10 minutes later

"You came pretty fast" Jake said when watching gulf come up to the coffee shop

"What do you wanna talk about" gulf asked and Jake pushed the cup of coffee towards gulf

"I remember your favorite" Jake smiles

"No thank you what do you want" gulf asked again crossing one of his legs over the other

"Your wearing more pants lately problems with your boyfriend" Jake sipped his coffee making gulf glare at him

"No" gulf said making Jake put his hands up in surrender

"My bad crossing the line I see" Jake chuckled as gulf kept a straight face

"So how have you bee-"

"Listen Jake what do you want I'm not here for the small chatter tell me what you want so you can stop bothering me and leave me alone" gulf asked in a cold voice

"Fine since we're so straight forward today what do you see in suppasit" Jake asked and gulf was quick to respond as he stared at Jake


"You seem to like him a lot since we were teens and you would listen to your music you would tell me about your marriage plan with him" Jake laughed

"And that's what I still plan to do" gulf said

"Now what did you call me out here for" gulf asked again

"You are more confident than we last spoke" Jake said making gulf stop what he was doing with he fingers and freeze for a moment

"You were scared and trembling all over your hand wouldn't stop moving one bit ahh just like that" Jake smirked as gulf hid his trembling hand

"T-that's old news Jake I-I'm not afraid of you anymore" gulf forced his hand to stop

"You were so afraid of me hahahaha no matter what you do you'll always be afraid of me gulf no one can stop that fear you have not even mew himself.... see you in the next match gulf" Jake stood up while still laughing as gulf held his head down

"See you next week love" Jake smiled before walking away leaving some money on the table for the coffees

Gulf stared down at his hands that wouldn't stop trembling

He thought he had forgot about what Jake had done, he went through months of therapy just for the shaking to come back

What's was he supposed to do now

1 hour later

"Gulf are you alright he didn't try anything right" Yu ming asked and gulf smiled nodding his head

"He didn't try anything you all go eat I wanna try and practice for next week" gulf said stuffing his hand behind his back before walking towards his computer in his room

Gulf slowly made his way to his computer sitting down in his chair he turned his computer on and slowly tried to click on the game ignoring his trembling

Taking a deep breathe gulf slowly started to play

44 minutes later

After the 12th time dying gulf felt tears fill his eyes and staring at his hand didn't make it better

"L-let's try again" gulf told himself starting the game again but died in almost 5 minutes

"Again" gulf told himself but what cut off by a hand on top of his wet eyes

Then another hand on top of his shutting the computer off

Gulf recognized the smell from his favorite person in the world then the voice he would love to hear every morning

"Let it out baby I'm here" mew spoke still covering gulfs eyes making gulf let out a small sob as k left from gulf room closing the door behind him as well as everyone else following him

Everyone went out going to the store while getting a few things for gulf hoping it would make him feel better also to give mew and gulf some time alone cause now mew was the only person gulf needed

30 minutes later

"You feel better now" mew asked in a small voice as he rubbed gulfs back

Gulf was currently on mews lap now in a straddle while mew sat in gulfs gaming chair

Gulf slowly nodded his head while clutching mews shirt tightly, his knuckles were getting white from how hard he was holding on like he was holding on for dear life and if he let go even just a tiny bit then mew would go away from him

"Tell me what happened" mew moved gulfs hair from in front of his forehead before placing a small kiss in the middle on gulfs forehead

Mew felt gulf let out a shaky breath against his neck before hearing gulf speak in a small cracked voice that just broke his heart once he heard what gulf said

"W-when I-I-I was w-with j-Jake he r-raped me a-af-after our match w-we won 3 y-years ag-ago"

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