He's mine

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Sasuke and Sai {flashback}

{Warning: Rape and bullying scence}  {if you are not comfortable please just skip it.} Also I will put a warning.


      It's been a few weeks since I got out of the hospital, and I was told to walk.. they said it's for my physical body. So I did. Honestly, I liked this better... It's peaceful.

Then I saw another figure, giving me a discusted look. Bastard.
"Hey, Can we talk Uchiha?!" The pale man said.

Uchiha? Hn.. does he hate me that much.. to even mention my last name clan/family?

"Hn.." I followed him, curious what is he going to do.

A/N: Warning abuse and blood☆

3rd pov

  "Neh, Sasuke.... you look so fucking hot and cute.".. Sasuke doesn't respond, instead he pushed sai away.

"Hm what a very bad boy. " He whispers into Sasuke ear. Sasuke turned away.. again. "Leave me alone, you jerk"

"Oh.. persistent are we..?" Just then Sai punched sasuke in the stomach, as hard that he caught blood.

"That is for punching me earlier... and this is for taking Naruto for me..." He punched sasuke in the face.

Sasuke fell to the ground with blood on his nose and his mouth. Then Sai pushed him to the wall.. and it hit his head.

He started to become dizzy.

"Don't I ever see you hanging out with Naruto... or you'll take more than that." He smirked and leave Sasuke there.

"As-Asshole" He spout back.. until he blacked out.

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