Dirty little tounge

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I don’t even want to go back anymore, you pushed all of my buttons Sasuke uchiha… I- I gave up.. on you! I- I hated you! But I can’t seems to forget every fuckin thing we had-- our bond-- team 7-- Sasuke… please don’t give up… we’re all here for you.. Everything you said came rushing on my mind… 

“Just what the hell do you want from me, why are you so fixated on me?!” You say that… as if we are nothing to you. And you are like a brother to me… a friend that will take away all the pain, because only I can take all that hatred. NO ONE else. 

“Again, and Again, Again, and AGAIN! Just give up and let me cut you down!!!” 
Hmm you know I can’t do that either.. I won’t let you be alone again. NOT NOW! NOT EVER! 


Now please wake up. I know..and I’m sorry.. I messed up. 

“N-naruto?” I heard a familiar voice .. And got up on the side of the bed..I guess I fell asleep. 
I saw him fully awake. And looking at me as if he’s seen a ghost. 

“SASUKE! You're finally awake-dattebayo!” I hugged him tightly and he groaned. “T-that hurts dobe!” I smiled and quickly I pulled away. 

“Sorry, I guess I got carried away...” I looked at him again and he was.. Blushing? Is it hot in here? 
Oh well.. whatever. 

“So.. how do you feel- dattebayo?” He sighed and lay back down, completely ignoring what I said.. ‘Am I just a joke to you! You jerk!’ 

“I SAID HOW-”  he covered my mouth, preventing me from shouting, “Shut up, and where the bloody hell am I?

Is this even sasuke? Oh my ramen “it’s obvious we’re in Konoha village-” He groaned and interrupted me. “ What? Why the hell, you know.. I’m not really accepted here so why bring me? Your being so dense.. You should already know that all of your friends and team seven don’t care about me anymore, I am a complete traitor, I killed so many shinobis… I even killed my fuckin BROTHER!
I don’t know why, but you are such a dobe… I- your just so stupid.. I am not accepted h-” 

Sasuke POV 

I looked at him… his eyes are- are red… I gulped. What the hell? What’s happening.. This dobe h- “SHUT THE HELL UP!” he growls again. Why is this turning me on? I must be really tired. “Naruto I’m tir-” 


I don’t know.. But is the nine tails controlling him? No- he already took control of it right… then wh- “Now… will you listen?” He says. I nodded… I don’t want to cause anymore fights since I’m sooo tired. Pls lemme rest!!

“I’m sorry.. I shouldn't have said that sasuke..” I sighed and nodded as an understatement.. I’m just really tired. 

“It’s alright.. C-can I go to sleep now?” I asked him, hopefully he says yes.. I’m actually shocked I was once scared of the dobe but whatever.. No, don’t think.. just sleep sleep sleep! 

“Hmm sure!” He said. Ahh finally. I looked at him and I felt my cheeks burned up. NOT AGAIN. I quickly looked away. 

I took a single glance to the side and he’s gone. YES NOW I CAN FINALLY HAVE SOME PEACE


''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''    ~TO BE CONTINUED~


Sorry if this is short.

Brotherly or romantically?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن