SCP-1048-A x D-Class Reader

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                                          SCP-1048-A x D-Class Reader

I am laying down in the bed inside my cell. I'm staring at the ceiling and thinking about important stuff. Such as, where did I do to get into this moment in life and why is this bed so uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure they bought the most uncomfortable mattress just because they ca-. Why did the doors open?

I cautiously stood up and looked out. I saw no one and all the doors were open, with heads also peeking out. As we all come to the conclusion that the doors opened for no reason, one guy stepped out and beat the guy next to him. That's my ticket to go. I prefer to not get into a fight. But before I go, I lift my mattress and take the plastic knife I stole from the cafeteria. It's beyond me how they never found it, like they search our cells every week and have cameras everywhere, but whatever. I'm not complaining.

Then, alarms started blaring and the emergency lights went on. Then the intercom said something like blah blah multiple Keter and Euclid class objects have escaped blah blah. I know it's not good. But do I care? No.

So, I quickly book it out of there and run into the corridors. I take twists and turns, not running it anyone when I hear someone cry for help. So like any normal person, I turned and ran in the opposite direction. I mean multiple SCPs or whatever have escaped, and you're yelling for help? Either you are very stupid or it's some sort of SCP. Either way, don't go there. Eventually, I found an unlocked door and went in it.

I quickly closed the door and saw it was some sort of staff room. Couches, tables, vending machines, etc. I look around for anything and come across a yellow keycard of sorts. I put it into my pocket and leave the room. The cry for help seemed to disappear so I guess that's good? Actually no, I think it's bad, cause it was either an SCP or an SCP that killed it, either way, still an SCP.

As I was getting bored from the walking/running, I turned a corner and see a guard. The guard heard my footsteps and looked at me. He raised his gun to me, so I quickly hid between a corner. I took out my plastic knife and waited for him to turn. I'm pretty good at fighting because I may or may not have killed like 16 people, but hey, it was purely self-defense, but the court didn't care.

He appeared and before he could shoot, I took my knife and brought it into his left eye. His screams echoed in the silent corridors as blood and eye stuff flew around. He dropped his gun and clutched his eye. I quickly picked up the gun and swung at him, knocking him unconscious.

I don't want to kill him, but it may be better to put him out of his misery. And he will probably suffer a worse death by an SCP. So, with shaky hands, I lifted the gun and fired. The silence after the scream and shot was overbearing. That's the first time I killed a defenseless person. I mean yeah, I've killed, but it's different. He was defenseless.

I realized it's no time to feel bad, so I searched him for any useful stuff. I found a flashlight, another keycard but grey, and a first aid kit. I drag his body into a room, for if someone finds him he might get a proper funeral. I continue walking, my mood significantly damped, but still alert. I decided I needed a small break and went into a nearby room.

The first thing I noticed is it seemed to be an office of sorts with desks and computers and stuff. The second thing I noticed is there seemed to be a teddy bear. Made of ears. It seemed to notice me too, look up to me and let out a blood-curdling scream. I fall to the ground, clutching my ears. The pain. It felt like someone was twisting a knife into my ear.

I eventually couldn't bear it any longer and slipped into unconsciousness.

I regained consciousness. I heard the very faint sound of a heartbeat monitor beeping and slowly opened my eyes. My vision was blurry but eventually focused and I seemed to be in a hospital room. Then, I regained my memories and replayed over the alarms, the cry of pains, the guy I killed in cold blood, and the teddy bear.

I noticed another person in the room and slowly turned to look at him. My whole body still felt numb and my ears were ringing. The person seemed to be a scientist or something and as if realizing me, he looks at me, and the shock was evident on his face. I see him open his mouth and say something, but the words were so faint. It's as if someone was whispering to you from 20 meters away.

He seemed to realize my inability to hear him and pulled a notepad and pen. I watched him write something done and hold the notepad in front of my face. I blinked away the dreariness and focused my attention on the words.

"How are you alive?"

I snorted. Very helpful question, as if I know. I looked at him, my disappointment clear on my face. He quickly takes the notepad and writes something. He writes longer than before and gave it back to me.

"We found you by SCP 1048-A" Oh that's the ear demon teddy bear " Anyone within a 10-meter space of it experiences severe pain in the ears and eyes " Eyes? My eyes felt and feel perfectly fine. Anyway, a question for later. " Anyone with a 5-meter radius will start growing ears over all their body" I shuddered at the thought "and eventually die in 3 minutes. We estimated you to be in its proximity for 30 minutes, yet you are still alive and have no ears growing all over you. Explain?"

I processed that information and opened my mouth to speak. No words came out, just a pathetic whisper. The scientist handed me a glass of water and I gratefully accepted it and gulped it down. It felt refreshing against my dry throat.

"I-I don't know. I went into the room and saw it. It screamed and I felt very intense in my ears only. I got knocked out from the pain. That's all I remember." I said.

He further questioned me and eventually left, but not before saying they will continue asking me questions. I let out a sigh of relief and faded into sleep, feeling nice in a normal bed for once.

A/N: Ok. So, this one is like twice longer than my other ones, but I wanted to make a longer one, and overall, I think it's pretty good. Also, I slightly rechecked my previous ones and I noticed some mistakes I'm too lazy to fix, so sorry for that. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this cause I enjoyed writing it. I'm also trying to write about SCPs I haven't really seen anyone else do, so this was fun.

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