Note to self: never take da bee

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I felt myself waking up. My eyes flickering a couple of times. I see the face of a man, I'm usually a bit dazy when I wake up anyway but seeing someone I don't think I know scares me.

I move back on the sofa and stare scaredly at the man.

'Hey, It's just me! Phil! Remember I'm the one that found you on the road.' The man said kindly.
'O-oh yeah.'
'And I'm Wilbur!' The boy I vaguely remembered carrying me before said.

'Hey buddy, what's your name?' Phil said.
'T-tubbo.' I shivered. I felt so cold and wet still.

'Okay Tubbo. Techno is running you a bath so you can get nice and warm and then I'll find you some clothes and we can get you something to eat!' He said.

After I was finally warm again. I went back downstairs. Phil, Techno and Wilbur where all stood chatting in the kitchen until they saw me.
'Are you hungry Tubbo?' Phil said.

I was sooooo hungry. I hadn't even eaten that granola bar I packed so I hadn't eaten in ages.
'Yes please.' I said.

He passed me a hot chocolate and some toast with honey on it.

'Bees make honey!' I said excitedly.
'That's right buddy.' Wilbur chuckled. 'Hey I noticed you had a bee plushie you must like bees.'

A rush of panic struck through my veins. I hadn't seen my bee in ages. Usually I never let it leave me.

'W-where I-Is it.' My face turning pale and my eyes glossing over as i said that. I frantically turn my head left and right my eyes scanning the room. But I couldn't see it.

'Woah buddy. It's okay I think it's in the wash pile it was all wet!' He said.

'No no no no!' I sprint to where I here a washer. The washing machine is turned on. Bubbles and water swilling around inside of it. I scream. I shove my face up against it trying to see. And then attempt to open the washer. I tugged until it finally opened. Hot water pooling out over the floor. It hurt my feet but I didn't care. All I wanted was my bee.

A pair of hands picked me up. I kicked and screamed blindly. Why didn't they understand this was a HUGE deal!

'Tubbo! Please buddy calm down.' Wilbur said loudly. He was the one holding me. He carried me, still trying to break free and sobbing into the lounge and onto the sofa. He sat down with me holding me tightly against himself.

'I want da bee!' I shouted through my sobs
'Tubbo? It's okay. I know you want the bee Phil and Techno will find it alright?' He said softly.

Phil and Techno emerged suddenly. Phil holding my bee.
'BEE.' I screamed. Clutching onto it. Vowing to myself I would never ever let it get out of my sight again.

'Tubbo what on earth was that reaction for?' Techno said still in shock from all the screaming.

'My parents gave me the bee before they- before they I- erm.' I said my voice cutting off. My eyes glazed over with tears. I hadn't thought of my parents in a while. It was all coming back at that moment. All the memories. The confusion. I buried my head in Wilbur's chest. Clutching harder than ever onto my bee.

'Hey, It's okay. You don't have to tell us now! Only when your ready buddy. No pressure!' Wilbur whispered into my ear. He rubbed my back softly and sang to me. I felt my eyes getting heavy and then the world went dark.

Third person-

Tubbo fell asleep after that his hand still holding the bee and his head still buried into Wilbur. Who was looking proud of himself for getting the boy to sleep, but also scared.

Phil exchanged a worried glance to Techno who returns a similar one.
'Do you reckon his parents are- yano?' Techno said.
'I'm not sure honestly. But something is definitely worrying. He was incredibly clingy to that bee. Like that's not normal he was screaming as if it was a person who was in danger!'
'I agree, but what're we supposed to do?'
'Figure everything out. We have too. If we want to help him!' Phil said.

After a few minutes of thought both Phil and Techno decided to go to bed. Techno leaving first. Then Phil, 'Shout me if he gets scared okay?' He says.

'I will.' Wilbur replies.


Gently I stroke the boys hair and watch his chest move up and down with each breath.
'Goodnight, bee boy.' I said quietly. It was a new nickname I'd come up with. I think he'll like it.

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