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I don't think they're coming back.

The boy let a solitary tear run down his cheek. He grabs a bag and starts packing. He doesn't pack too much. Only one outfit and his bee plushie. It was the last thing his parents had ever given to him. He also grabbed a granola bar as it was the only thing left in the house too eat and was also small and wouldn't add too much weight to his bag.

'Goodbye house. Goodbye mum and dad.' The boy whispers turning to look at a family photo of the three of them.

Tubbo hadn't seen his parents in almost 2 weeks. No one came to check on him. No one cared. So he had stayed there. Scared that if he left the house that his parents would come back and think he had left them. But enough was enough.

They aren't coming back.

He opens the front door takes one last look and then shuts it behind him.

A shiver runs down his spine. He is wearing a hoodie but it's not very thick and it's very cold as it's only January!  The shiver is also out of nervousness he was scared and just wanted to find someone or something to help him.


I have absolutely no idea where I'm going. I walk for maybe about 2 hours. The land becoming completely unfamiliar. The grass beneath me was wet and my feet sunk down into it with each step. It was raining now and starting to get dark. I was hoping I would have found something to help me by now but I haven't seen anything. I'm not sure what exactly I was looking for.

I ended up on a pathway next to a forest. A long road on my other side with seemingly no end to it. After a few more minutes I started to cry. This was such a bad idea. I saw a box up ahead, and hoping for any kind of relief from the pouring rain I sat inside it.

Third person of inside a car

'Boys! Be quiet, stop screaming I'm trying to drive!' A man said, giving a look which made the boys stop.

'But Wilbur was being meannnn.' The youngest boy whined.
'Wilbur don't be mean.' The man said.
But Wilbur said nothing, because instead he was staring at a box on the side of the road.

'Hey Dad? You need to pull over.' He said urgently.
'What? Why?' The man said, a confused look spreading across his face.

'I can see someone in that box there!' Wilbur said.


Wilbur was right. There was definitely someone. Or something? In that box.
'Okay, okay boys stay in here don't get out okay? Techno you're in charge. I said.

I got out of the car opening an umbrella and headed towards the box. As I neared it, I could hear small sobs and sniffles from inside. By the sounds of it this was a child!

I came really close and saw a mop of brown fluffy hair protruding from the box.
'Hello?' I said softly.
The sobs stifled. The boy inside the box looked up, terrified.

'Oh my goodness! You poor thing you're absolutely drenched! What on earth are you doing on the side of the road?!' I said worried for the boy but trying to remain calm.

'I-I don't know.' The boy sobbed.
'It's okay! Don't worry here let's get you warm inside my car.' I said putting out my hand for him to grab.

He looked unsure, but then put his freezing cold hand into mine. I lifted him out, seeing how wet he was.

His legs were shaky and he seemed unstable. So I picked up the boy and carried him gently towards my car.

As I opened the back door I placed the poor, shivering boy inside.

'Dad oh my goodness is he okay.' Wilbur asks.
'He's really cold do we have any blankets?' I ask the boys.
'Nope, but I have a jumper although it'll be huge on him he's tiny!' Techno said.
'That's fine.'

He passes me the jumper and I put it over the small boys head. Techno was right it was huge but I made a nice blanket for him.
The boy let out another sob, 'Okay okay, you're alright you're safe now!' I try to reassure him.

Wilbur, who is now sat next to the boy, wraps his arms around him. The boy leans into him and almost immediately falls asleep.

I get back into the drivers seat. Techno, who is in the passenger seat, looks at me. 'Dad, that child looks traumatised, do you reckon he ran away or perhaps he got left there?' He said.
'I'm not sure to be honest. We'll ask him tomorrow once he's had a good sleep and got warm again.'

The ride back was fairly quiet. This was courtesy of the fact Tommy had fallen asleep while I was getting the boy in the box. This was a good thing as, although he had good intentions, Tommy was very loud and would probably have scared the poor boy even more.

Once we got back to the house, Wilbur carried the boy in, who was still asleep. Techno carried Tommy and went upstairs to put him to bed.

I turned to Wilbur who was still holding the boy. 'He still soaked. Poor thing.' Wilbur said.
'I know I know. Let's put him on the sofa here.' I knew we would have to wake the boy up but I was weary as I assumed waking up in a place you'd never been before surrounded by people you barely knew was probably very unnerving. But I had to.

'Hey... kid?' I said softly.

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