Chapter 4: Numb

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*Anthea's pov*

I wake up to a beeping noise and a sob coming from my left

No, don't tell me im in this place. I hate hospitals so much. Thousands of people die in these things and I don't want to be anywhere near them.

I groan and try to open my eyes.

My whole body feels heavy, I already know they gave me some type of medication for my wounds but I'm not gonna touch it.

I open my eyes and the first thing I see is a wall and then my eyes rotate to my left and I see my mom with tears in her eyes sitting down. But my father is nowhere to be seen.

I try to sit up but to no avail.

I reach out my hand for my mother to take, and she looks surprised for a moment before taking my hand and helping me sit up.

"Mom what's wrong? I'm alright" I say, trying to make her relax.

"No! First you get kidnapped and then we get a call from an anonymous person saying that you are In the hospital and Injured" she cry's out.

Kidnapped? That's when my memories of the kidnapping and the strangers I met and the beating come back.

"Oh Mom.... You need not worry yourself with me so much. I hate seeing you cry"

I wipe the tears from her eyes.

"Anthea how could you say that! My baby, my only living child was stolen from me!"

I flinch at her mentioning "living".

"Please mom...not right body aches....just...." I say, my voice below a whisper as I look down at my hands, ashamed.

She gets what I'm trying to say because she just stays quiet.

"Where is dad by the way"

Mom suddenly bursts into tears again.

Now that I think about it, I don't even need to be in a hospital. I was doing just fine without going to this place.

"Mommy, what happened?" I say, worry evident in my voice.

"Oh honey, he's not with us anymore"

Those words. Those words are my breaking point.

My face stays emotionless as I say "dead?"

She shakes her head and says "no he just got up and left saying that he had to get you back."

My body goes limp and I fall on the bed.

Why is my life so messed up? I just don't know what I did....

Tears fall out my eyes as I sit there quietly and wait for her to say it's a joke.

There's no way my daddy could leave me us easily, he loves us. Even though he prob went to look for me, he still left mom on her own.

"You deserve everything your getting. You should've been the one to die, not Mena" a faint voice says inside my head.

"Don't listen to that voice, it's your brain trying to convince you everything is your fault, which it isn't" my inner voice says.

The hospital door slams open and Lily stands before us.

She looks tired and crazy, not how she usually looks. Usually she'll always look calm no matter what.

"Anthea!" Lily says, then rushes to my side.

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