"Only the best show of all time."

"Darkwing Duck?" LP's voice filled the room. I turned around and saw two lovable goofs emerging from the stairs.

"LP!" "Launchpad!" Both of the purple ducks called.

"Wait?! There are two Launchpads too?" Gosayln asked.

"Yea, ha this guy appeared on my couch this morning," their Launchpad said. "He said he was looking for his DW so I thought it was safe enough to bring him here."

"And this is the first we're hearing of it," Darkwing crossed his arms.

"This sorta thing happened all the time when I worked with Mr. McDuck and we weren't in a rush," Launchpad shrugged.

"Interesting. This never happened to us," our LP hummed. "Although we did go to Moonshire one time."

"That's in Scotland, LP," I informed him.

"Ohhhhh. That explains the small unicorns then."

"Uh sure," Drake made a confused face. "Back to the topic at hand. How are we getting home?"

"And where's Dewey and the others," LP added. Gosayln's eyes light up.

"Dewey? Like Dewey Duck? Yuck! He's the worst!" 'Hey,' LP protested as Gosayln went on a tangent. "He's always cheating when we play the Duckburgs Knights. All of Mr. McDuck's nephews do but he's the worst."

"Gosalyn! That's not nice," Darkwing corrected her. "But you people turned up all over the place, there's no telling where he landed."

"Okay, I have an insane theory." They turned to me. "LP showed up in this Launchpad's house. D popped out in your house. I landed by the only person not from this world, so that means Scrooge and the kids are most likely at the mansion."

"Not him," Darkwing rolled his eyes, and Gosalyn glared at him. "I mean, that's a solid theory. Let's check that out."

He stomped towards to the plane. Once we were on the plane, with a rather tight squeeze, I pulled out my phone.

"Have either of you tried?" LP cut me off.

"I tried calling Dewey, but there's no signal here. It's worse than the Bahamas here."

"Gosalyn, you need to check out their gaming devices," Launchpad said, pointing at my phone. She crawled over the seats and landed in my lap.

"It's a phone but yea it has games." She snatched it from me.

"Is this Whiffle Boy!" She opened the app.

"Yea, but I don't think it will work." I was proven wrong by the game's intro song blaring.

The song and silence got us to the mansion. DW landed on the front lawn. We pulled on the lawn and Gosalyn yelled.

"Aww, it died. Wait, this is the same plug to a GameCube control. I bet the triplets have one!" She shot towards the mansion. I paused, staring at the building. It could rival the White House.

"____, you coming?" Drake asked, already halfway to the door. I ran over to him.

Gosayln flung open the door and made a beeline for the stair, nearly knocking Duckworth down.

"Oh my," Duckworth gasped. "Who might you be?"

"Where's Scrooge?" I asked, already walking towards what I assumed was the main room.

I walked into two pacing Scrooge's, six triples, and Gyro, working on something in his lap. I cleared my throat and everyone in the room looked up at us. Huey made a beeline and hugged me.

Danger Lurks Behind, W/ Strangers Out To Find Ya!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें