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"I know you think your fire is burning out
But I still see you shining through
You got it in you"

"I know you think your fire is burning outBut I still see you shining throughYou got it in you"

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Katherine Cruz moved in at the Bronx only a few days ago and already missed Washington Heights. There was no denying about her missing her friends and found family. Yes, her dad helped them move in and he stayed for a coffee but that was everything. And Sonny hasn't even visited her yet! Where was he all the time? Kat wasn't sure if she liked it where they lived now or if she liked their old home in the Heights. It was very difficult to decide even for someone like herself who actually dreamed to get out of there. She just didn't want it that way.

That night, when Katherine was asleep she found herself in a small forest. A forest full with butterflies and other creatures. She looked at herself and found her hair braided and she wore a beautiful white dress. But no shoes on her feet. A blue and purple butterfly fly by and mentioned for thr girl to follow her. Katherine ran behind the butterfly and laughed brightly. A laugh that filled everything with happiness.

Suddenly the butterfly stopped in front of two people. And those people were familiar to the young girl. "Mami? Abuela Claudia?" "Mariposa!", shouted Claudia excited and opened her arms for Katherine to hug her. The brunette hugged the older woman tightly and whispered something under her breath. "What about my hug Esme?", asked a feminine voice. "Mami!", shouted Katherine and hugged her mother tightly. Regina stroked her daughter's hair while kissing her head lightly. "What is this place?" "That's where all humans go when their time on earth is done mija.", explained Regina and let go of her kid. "Am I dead?", asked Katherine panicked and looked around. Both women only chuckled to themselves. "No Mariposa. It's just a dream.", said Claudia with a smile resting on her face. "We saw how you felt. Is everything alright?" "I would love to say yes, Mami, but it's not.", confessed Katherine. "I have left my friends back and here I'm completely alone. Dad has visited but not Sonny. I'm so scared and alone that it hurts!" "You're never alone mi vida!", interrupted Regina her daughter and wiped her tears away with her thumb.

[Music starts]


Holding back the flood in this skyscraper town
You gave all that sweat and blood

The older woman walked towards the two younger ones and embraced them in a hug.


Now you think you're gonna drown
You can't tell that you're bigger than the sea that you're sinking in

Regina looked at her daughter with a smile and tapped her nose.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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