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"I see your true colors
And that's why I love you"

"I see your true colorsAnd that's why I love you"

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0 days till Blackout (99°)

Katherine Cruz stroked her dress one last time before knocking on Kevin Rosario's door. The man opened and greeted the younger girl with a smile on his face. "Sonny said that you might need help so here I am.", she then laughed awkwardly. "It's nice to see you.", helped Nina out and grabbed Katherine's hand, pulling her inside. "Hola Abuela!", greeted the younger girl her grandmother. Claudia smiled and waved to her. Sonny couldn't help but to stare at the girl. Kat's brown locks were now even curlier then before and were pulled into a half up half down hairstyle, definitely Carla's doing. Her dress was a light pink with a beautiful floral print together with some beige heels, definitely Vanessa's. She wore only lip gloss and some mascara but you could also see little blush on her cheeks together with a perfect eyeliner, Daniela and Cuca's doing obviously.

Katherine was becoming a wonderful young lady and everyone could see that. "Stop staring Sonny and help me more.", mentioned Claudia, grabbing the attention of Katherine. "You were staring at me?" "No! I wasn't!", he defended himself. Katherine rose an eyebrow at him. "Okay I was. You're just really pretty tonight. I mean not only tonight you're always beautiful--I should stop talking.", said Sonny awkward and looked back at the dishes. Katherine only giggled and went over to help him set up the table. "Благодаря Сони.", she said in Bulgarian and smiled flirtatious (Thanks Sonny). The boy only blushed and smiled lightly. Claudia was watching the scene and couldn't help but to smile at the two lovebirds.

"So...Sonny's dad is okay with him leaving?", asked Nina suddenly, grabbing the attention from Katherine. Wait! He's going to leave? She then looked at the boy next to her confused. "Yeah...he's fine with it.", said Usnavi and looked at Katherine with apologetic eyes. "That's...great.", said the younger girl and changed her mood quickly. "Hey. I want to talk to you.", said the older man and looked at Kat again. "Not now but you know." "Oh, yeah. Okay." "It's open. Estáabierto!", shouted Kevin's as he heard the doorbell ring. "We're in trouble now.", whispered Katherine to the De La Vega cousins and laughed as she saw her aunts walking in. Everyone then hugged and greeted each other. "Hermosa!", said Vanessa happy as she saw Katherine wearing the dress she made for her. "Thanks to you!", replied Kat and hugged Vanessa. "What about us?", asked Silvia Garcia from besides Antonia Castillo. Katherine only screamed out of excitement and went to hug her friends. "I'm so glad you're here chicas! I wouldn't survive without you two!" "We know cariño. Cuca already said it.", laughed Toni and moved to the living room with her friends.

Carla put on some music and got Abuela to sing. Katherine rolled her eyes and smiled. "The scratch on the record is my favorite part!", said Abuela happy making everyone to laugh. Carla then punched the record bringing it to stop scratching and got everyone to cheer. "Mariposa. Sing for us something niña.", said Claudia and turned her head towards the girl. "No no no I don't want to.", claimed Katherine. Everyone then kept bugging and she finally agreed. "Sing your Mami's song. The one you used to when we were sleeping over!", suggested Silva and made Toni to nod. "But I need a guitar for that." "I could play. It's fine.", said Silva and got a guitar from Kevin. Katherine sighed before getting ready.

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