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As Derek walked out of the hospital late the next night, he knew the only thing he needed was a drink. Meredith had left nearly three hours before him, and he'd have every intention of leaving close to an hour and a half before, but then an emergency craniotomy had come through, only to code on the table just as he was closing. After their pregnancy scare the day before, he knew that he and Meredith needed a night of relaxation, and a night of drinking at Joe's sounded perfect. Meredith had promised to order him a scotch and something to eat when he'd called a few minutes earlier to tell her that he was on his way, which meant that it should be ready by the time he got there. And in this moment, nothing sounded better than the combination of Meredith and alcohol.

Stepping into the bar, he was immediately relieved to hear the familiar laugh of his amazing girlfriend. It only took him a moment to see her seated at the end of the bar, Christina at her side and a mixed drink in front of her. Her coat was draped over the stool beside her, his order ready and waiting for him whenever he was ready to take it, and he smiled at the thought that she had reserved a spot for him beside her at the bar, and really in her life.

"Hi," he breathed, stopping behind her and pressing his lips to the top of her head, shifting to her side but not moving to his own seat. He wasn't quite ready to give up contact with her yet, and he kept his arm wrapped tightly around her waist as he buried his nose in her hair.

"Hi," she said, her own arm working its way around his waist and her voice slightly amused. "You're touchy."

"And I'm gone," Christina rolled her eyes, grabbing her drink and moving towards the other side of the bar.

"Sorry," he sighed, moving to his own seat but keeping an arm resting around her. "My patient coded."

"Oh Derek," she sighed. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," he said as he turned to reach for his scotch. "I just...hard couple of days."

Meredith smiled sympathetically as she leaned in to rest her head against his shoulder. "I know," she said. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," he shrugged, motioning for another drink.

"Part of it is," she sighed. "Yesterday was."

"Meredith," he said, turning to look at her. "I promise you, that when that news comes in, it will only make that day the best one on record."

She smiled as she pulled back to look at him. "I guess that means that you can calm me down when that day comes," she said. "Because I'm pretty sure the freaking out will reach a new level."

He laughed. "Well, it won't be for a very long time," he assured her. "So no need to freak out yet."

"Good," Meredith said. "Drink as much as you want tonight, I'll drive us home."

"What, so you can take advantage of me?" Derek asked.

She smirked as she leaned in closer to his ear. "Do you want me to take advantage of you?" she purred.

"Definitely," Derek gasped.

"Then I will be sure to deliver."

"Good," he sighed, downing another glass of scotch. "I'll be right back."

Meredith smiled as she watched him make his way towards the bathrooms. He'd been off all day, and she knew that something was bothering him. She desperately hoped that it didn't have anything to do with what had happened the night before. She needed him to be him again, and she wasn't sure that she could handle much more of the brooding he'd been doing all day. She didn't like it.

"Well hello there," a voice came from behind her and she turned with a frown to see her vet standing behind her.

"What are you doing here?" she frowned.

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