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Author pov

After reaching the office Jin went straight inside his cabin without greeting his employees as today was not the usual day. His action surely indicated to the employer about his mood. When the CEO settle himself down on his chair, he immediately called his assistant, Kim soobin. When he enters the office, firstly he give the older Alpha his favourite coffee to lighten his mood.

"Good morning hyung , why did call me ". Soobin said

"  Ah I call you to cancel all meetings and appointment ".

" but sir today you have to attend the pack meeting and you know it cant be cancel ". Said soobin. Alpha groaned in frustration.

" when is it ".

Its from 6:00 to 7:00 and its not going to held at our assembly hall  ".

"  why * sigh * it is far from company means [it's would take 1hour to reach home ( also namjoon apartment)]  he thought to himself by looking towards  photo frame of him and namjoon then he look to soobin  then don't cancel any meeting up to 5 and cancel meetings after pack meet  got it , now you leave ".

"Sir why are you suddenly want cancel everything is something bad occurred ". Young alpha questioned

" no no nothing happened it just namjoon have to go for bussiness trip to America for like one month and you know how much I get worried when namjoon is away even for day or two. This really stressing me a lot  so I just want to spend my time with namjoon  before he leave for American."

" Really namjoon hyung will gone for 1 month am really going to miss him " . Soobin is working for 4 years now elder  omega would frequently visit seokjin and when every he visit he  bring coffee or food for employees and treats soobin like his own brother .

" He would come back ,now do what I told to do and continue your work ".
Soobin then leave the room.

Joonie pov
I am really looking forward to surprise my lovely alpha. Right now I am on my way to my home. I already brought everything I needed for the night. I just need set up and doll my self so my alpha can drool on me.

Time skips
I am done decorating. It's really giving romantic vibes . ( namjoon have his own apartment which is located near a beach which provides joon with a beautiful veiw of the beach and nature from his balcony )  I asked soobin to inform me when jin leave the assembly hall so I can order food and when seokjin arrives he able to have nice dinner to enjoy romantic vibes.

I send a snapstreaks to indirectly inform jinnie that he have to come to my house

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I send a snapstreaks to indirectly inform jinnie that he have to come to my house.

My Omega ( namjin ) mpregWhere stories live. Discover now