Chapter Two

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Everyone gasped as Everleigh's jaw dropped and her eyes widened at the familiar voice. There stood a demon in a red suite similar to what he wore on their wedding day, with red hair, red furry animal ears, deer antlers, and red eyes.

"Al-Alastor?" She stuttered out of shock, "is that you?"

"Everleigh darling, I never expected to ever see you here." He spoke.

She got up from the bar and slowly walked to Alastor. Tears were flooding her eyes as she gently touched his face. The bite marks were gone and she was able to recognize him.

"It-it really is you." She whispered.

He softly smiled at her and held her hand and his cheek. He then wiped her tears that were drenching her cheeks. She then felt herself fall.

"Sweetheart!" Alastor caught her in his arms before she hit the ground.

Everleigh had fainted.

"Is she okay??" Nifty asked.

"She's a little shocked." He answered, "I will put her in my room to rest."

Alastor tucked her in his bed in his room. He kissed her forehead and made his way back to the ground floor of the hotel. Everyone was staring at him.

"You never told us you had a fiancé!" Vaggie yelled/

"I thought she had moved on and married another since the incident." Alastor replied, "but I thought wrong."

"She seemed absolutely devastated by the whole thing." Angel spoke.

"Yeah." Husker added, "I have never seen anyone order Devil's Springs with light ice as a drink. That's a hardcore drinker right there. I surprised her death wasn't from alcohol poisoning." 

"She truly loved me like no other." Alastor spoke, "as did I."

"And she still does." Charlie said.

"I realize that now." Alastor replied, "I saw my ring around her neck. As I also saw the rope marks from her successful action."

"Soon they will fade away." Charlie told him, "we all can tell she missed you."

"I still can't believe you got someone to fall in love you with you." Vaggie crossed her arms.

"Harsh." Angel smirked.

Alastor laughed, " I couldn't believe it either. I thought she would hate me after she found out what I had done."

Alastor was pushing Everleigh away and she needed to know why. She walked in his office to see him sitting at his desk.

"I'm busy, darling." He told her.

"B-but you've been pushing me away for 3 days now." She frowned, "have I done something to male you upset?"

"No dear, you haven't." He answered.

"Then what's troubling you?" She asked.

"How?" He whispered.

She looked at him confused, "How what, Al?"

He stood up and turned to her, "how can you love me??"

"Wh-what do you-"

"I'm a murderer, Everleigh!" He yelled, "I'm a serial killer! I've killed people and dumped their remains in different locations! How can you love a monster such as myself?"

Everleigh was extremely shocked. He just admitted to a serious crime. Her silence worried him.

"If you want to pack your things and move back to your parents house, I won't stop you." He frowned.

Everleigh slowly walked to him and wrapped him in a hug. Alastor hesitantly hugged her back.

"I'm not going to leave you." She spoke.

His eyes widened and he pulled away from her, "but I-"

"That doesn't scare me." She told him, "I love you, Alastor. I won't leave because you did something bad."

"But. . .but I've killed people." He said.

"You were honest and told me the truth." She replied, "that's all that matters to me."

Alastor hugged her tightly, releasing a sigh of relief.

"If you wish to continue what you do, I'm fine it." She said.

"I want to stop." He told her, "I want to stop everything and settle down with you."

Everleigh smiled softly, "I'm perfectly fine wit that too."

"In that case. . ." He got down on one knee and held out a ring, "Everleigh darling, will you marry me?"

She smiled widely, "Yes!"

"Not even my crimes scared her away." He added, "she truly was a gift from heaven, But she wouldn't be here if it weren't for me."

Charlie placed her hand over Alastor's shoulder, "the 2 of you have an unbreakable bond. Not even death can tear you apart. She's an amazing woman, Al. An amazing woman who loves you regardless of your actions."

"Thank you, Charlie." Alastor smiled, "The only things that mattered to her were honesty and truth, Which surprised me a lot."

"That's how you know it's true love." She added.

"Hon." Vaggie called, "It's getting late."

"Right." She replied, "I'm goin g to get some sleep. You should too."

With that said, everyone disappeared to their rooms. Alastor entered his room quietly, seeing that Everleigh was sleeping peacefully. He smiled at the sight of her. He changed into his pajamas and gently laid in bed next to you. Since it had been a whole year since he had seen  her, he was nervous about cuddling her.

But Charlie had told him that she missed him tremendously. He slowly wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her closer to him. He kissed her forehead before falling asleep peacefully. 

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