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Bokuto wasn't happy. Not in the fucking slightest. He watched intently through Shouyou's apartment window as some strange, tall male continued ramming into the little ginger. His little ginger.

It was revolting. It made his stomach turn, the way Shouyou clutched so tightly to that male's shirt. He wasn't being gentle at all, nor was he treating Shouyou with the tender care he deserved.

Nose twitching in disgust, he could only watch Shouyou's eyebrows furrow briefly in pain, the ache in his heart immeasurable. This guy had no care for him. None at all, ad he was lucky enough to be able to touch someone as kind, gentle, and beautiful as Shouyou.

People like that shouldn't even be allowed to live. He has no fucking idea how lucky he is!

When the male finished, he watched the man sit up and bid his farewells, pulling his shirt on and tossing away his condom. Shouyou looked like he was in so much pain, Bokuto could see it in his eyes. Nonetheless, he smiled and waved goodbye, clutching tightly to the pillow in his arms.

Practically growling, Bokuto wanted to leap onto that man and tear him to pieces, but he had to wait because the late-night streets were well lit with the street lights, and the top two floors of Shouyou's apartment could probably see him.

Instead, he opted to get closer to Shouyou's window, watching him slip a baggy t-shirt over his small, helpless body and drop himself onto his knees on the bed, folding himself forward.

That guy was way too rough with him. He treated Shouyou like some useless toy. Bokuto couldn't stand by that guiltlessly. Sliding down the brick wall of the building, he pulled his phone out and began typing on it, hoping to get into contact with Shouyou.

: wanna hang out at my place 2night? i bought pizza and a new game!

Peaking through the window, he listened to the muffled groan Shouyou let out as he stood, practically limping over to it and dropping himself on the couch.

The soft smile that appeared on his face sent Bokuto's heart fluttering. He waited impatiently, watching Shouyou type.


Eagerly turning his phone on, his eyes hungrily scanned over his message.

sounds fun! :D meet you there in 30? :

Grinning widely, Bokuto quickly sent an okay and his address, walking toward his new apartment complex ten minutes away. I'll make you feel better, Shouyou, don't worry!


A knock on his door sent the already distraught butterflies in his stomach into full-on panic mode as he tossed another blanket on the couch and basically flew to the door.

A slightly shivering Shouyou stood in his doorway, blowing warm air on his hands to keep them warm. He wore a thin jacket and the same shirt Bokuto had watched him put on after... that, and also a pair of black sweatpants.

"C-Come in! Come in!" Quickly scrambling out of the way, he listened to the way Shouyou chuckled at his flustered actions, slipping his jacket and shoes off and putting them in their proper places.

"Not that I mind, but... why the sudden invite?" Shrugging his shoulders, Bokuto waved Shouyou out of the entrance and to his living room, where he had stacked up a bunch of pillows and blankets and video games, two fresh boxes of pizza sat on the coffee table.

"Ah, well, I just felt kinda lonely, so I thought we could chill and keep warm together!" Rushing over to the couch, Bokuto flopped down, waiting for Shouyou to follow him. With the two of them laughing, he came and sat down as well, bumping into Bokuto's shoulder playfully.

"Thanks for inviting me over, though! I was feeling really down, so this definitely brightened up my night!" Offering a wide grin to the taller male, Shouyou took the remote Bokuto held out to him tenderly.


Can't move, can't move, can't move... He's too cute, he's too warm and soft... I can't move. I won't! I refuse!

Bokuto continued gently caressing Shouyou's head and hair, a bright blush on his cheeks as his soft snoring lulled him into a state of tranquility. Carefully, he slipped a hand into Shouyou's and took the controller out of his limp hand, placing it on the couch beside him.

A loud ding was heard from next to him, and he nearly jolted. After a minute of looking for the source, he realized it was from Shouyou's phone in his pocket, from the lit-up screen shining through the fabric.

Inhaling, he let his arm drop to the ginger's waist, pulling him close and allowing him to snuggle closer gratefully. Don't wake up, Shouyou. It's okay~ It's okay~ I'm just gonna... Releasing his pent-up air, he turned Shouyou's phone back on, seeing that someone had messaged him.

: had fun tonight ;) let's do it again sometime soon.

With a scowl on his face, he felt his happy, giddy feelings from hanging out with Shouyou all night fading away from this man's terrible interruption. He swiped the little ginger's phone open, going to the text and scrolling up to read the rest.

It was a man by the name of Kansai, and it seemed he and Shouyou's been hooking up since last week. By the texts alone, Bokuto could tell Shouyou was pushed over by this creep, and it ticked him off to no end.

However, he'd deal with this later. Right now, nothing could ruin this moment for him any more than it already has been. No more hooking up with bad people, 'kay? You're mine, now.

Tucking his arms under Shouyou's neck and knees, he lifted him up, carrying him to his bedroom so they can sleep together.

A gentle kiss was placed on the ginger's lips before he pulled him close, covered them up, and falling asleep peacefully.


a / n :

me and my family were carving pumpkins tonight and i accidentally cut the teeth off of mine while I was cutting the mouth out, so now it looks like this: +o+

i'm sobbing i- also sorry this chapter is really short (and late) ;-; I was running out of ideas, but i have more coming up, so hang in there bbys!! ❤

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