the sun god(pt. 1)- johnhyuck

Start from the beginning

"Did I do that?" Donghyuck panted. Jungwoo sniffed the man and Yuta pranced around. 

"He's out cold!" Jungwoo exclaimed, walking back to Donghyuck. "We should tell your father, or the guards, or throw him out!"

"No! Keep him! Think about it! Maybe he can take us out of the castle!" Yuta smirked, nudging the man with his snout. 

"I-I don't know... dad said he didn't want me to leave..."

"Okay? And? What's he gonna do? Leave his thrown?" 


"That's a good point." Donghyuck sighed. He picked the man up and exited the library, Jungwoo yelling at him. 

"What if he kills you?" Jungwoo cried as Donghyuck entered the room and placed the man on the bed. 

"Then I call the guards? He can't kill me." Donghyuck scoffed. 

"He's on your bed, are you gonna sleep there?" Yuta asked.

"No? I have a second bed."

"Don't put him on your bed! Tie him to a chair or something! What if he kills you? Or kidnaps you?"

"Jungwoo has a point." The prince mumbled, picking the man up again and placing him on a reading chair. He grabbed some rope.

"Why the hell do you have rope in your room?" Jungwoo asked.  Donghyuck shrugged and began tying the man's wrists to the arm wrests and his ankles to the chair's legs. 

"bam! He won't be able to move if he tried!" Donghyuck exclaimed, stepping back and putting his hands on his hips with pride. As he stared at the sleeping man, his expression softened. 

The man had black hair that parted in the middle and fell over his eyes. He wore a red hoodie and blue jeans. Quite casually dressed for a castle break-in. Donghyuck approached him again, lifting up the mans face. The moonlight outside shone onto him, making Donghyuck brush. The man was attractive. 

"Is this actually happening?" Jungwoo whispered. 

"I swear I heard wedding bells." Yuta giggled. 

"Okay. I'm tired." Donghyuck yawned and let go of the man. "I'm going to bed now." He shuffled over to his bed and flopped onto it, falling asleep immediately. 

"Is this safe?" Jungwoo asked, sitting in front of the mysterious man. 

"Probably not. But it wouldn't be fun if it was." Yuta giggled, jumping on the bed and curling up next to Donghyuck. 

"You're a horrible influence." Jungwoo glared. 

"And? What are you gonna do?" Yuta smirked.

Johnny wasn't quite sure where he was anymore. His head hurt terribly and he couldn't move his limbs at all. His eyes slowly opened, revealing an elegant room with mint green walls. Sun filtered in through the silk white curtains and spread across the dark oak wooden floor. It crossed a rug that had a green and white pattern and made the metal poles of the nearby canopy bed shine. Johnny looked at the bed, noticing the mint green fabric tied down to copper poles. On the bed, hidden in the fluffy white bedsheets, was a boy. He had tan skin and wore a black cloak that covered most of his body except his silver hair. Johnny smiled. The boy was... gorgeous.

 He moved his wrists, trying to push himself off wherever he was, only to realize he wasn't moving. Johnny panicked, now trying to move his entire body. He was tied down to a chair. A black cat pounced onto his lap, hissing loudly and showing him their claws. 

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