Chapter 1

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Karl POV

Today is the day I get to move back into my old dorm room with my best friend George. Me and George met last year when we were assigned to be roommates. At first we were total strangers, but soon we got warned up to each other. George is a very fun person once you get to know him. We spent a lot of our free time playing video games or cuddled up on the couch watching movies.

George and I got quite close as time went on, constantly touching or cuddling in some way. My love language is physical touch and I've always been a very affectionate person and George understands that so he lets me cuddle him and he sometimes even starts the snuggle sessions. Although it was never in a romantic way, we were just friends and planned to keep it that way so all the touching was completely platonic. This year was going to be amazing. Me and George would go back to how we were the last time we had seen each other and enjoy our college experience to the fullest.

"Karl, it's time for you to get going," my Mom yelled from downstairs.

I had been staying at my parents house during my vacation away from school. Obviously I don't love being with my parents all the time, who would? Honestly I would much rather be on my own but because I'm a college student and money is tight, renting an apartment just for a few weeks was out of the question. Of course I'm a freeloader, I have a job. However it isn't the most reliable, I'm a Twitch streamer and YouTuber. So depending on how much content I can put out affects the money I make in return. I actually gained quite the following recently so I'm making more than I did a few months ago.

I learned about streaming from George. He once told me he did something called Twitch streaming, of course I had heard of this before but wasn't completely sure what it was or how it worked. George told me it's a live streaming platform and that he and his friends play video games together. He invited me to join him for a steam, and I instantly fell in love and have been streaming on my own ever since.

"I'll be right down, I just need a few more minutes" I yelled back to my Mom.

"Okay, but hurry you're going to be late if you don't leave in the next 10 minutes Honey"

I roll my eyes at her response, don't get me wrong I love her to pieces and I'm forever grateful to be able to stay at home rent free, but you can only be around someone for so long before they start to drive you crazy. I finish packing up my last minute things my charger, toiletries, random stuff like that. I put all of these things into a duffel bag and headed downstairs. As I reach the bottom I see my Mom and Dad waiting in the living room.

"Aww my baby's leaving us again, make sure you visit us every holiday and call us sometime, we're going to miss you so much Sweetie" my Mom says as she smothers me in hugs and kisses.

"I'm going to miss you too Mom, but don't worry I'll call you as much as I can"

"Bring it in Son, love you kid, don't be a stranger and visit your folks sometimes okay?" My Dad asks as he hugs me.

"Of course Dad, well I guess this is it I love you guys so much" I say as I give them the biggest hug.

As much as they annoy me I'm going to miss them, but I'm really glad to get back to the college lifestyle and more importantly George. We've kept in touch over the break but it's just not the same as it is in person. It sounds kind of silly, but I really miss the cuddling and late night talks me and George used to have. I definitely didn't miss the early classes and assignments though. This is going to be the best year yet. Maybe I'll meet a cute girl or guy, yeah a guy is more likely. Oh, that's something I discovered over the summer.
I'm gay, bi, pan? Honestly I'm not sure I just know I'm not straight. I haven't told anyone yet. It's not that I think they won't accept me, it's just that it hasn't come up. I plan to tell George as soon as I see him again.

"Bye guys, I'll talk to you soon" I say as I break away from our group hug. " I love you!" I shout as I walk out the front door.

I put my remaining bags in my car and started the drive to my University.

Alright, that's the first chapter. I really like how things are going so far. Don't worry things are going to get a lot more exciting and interesting as the story progresses. Like always if you guys have any questions, concerns, or suggestions feel free to comment them here! <3


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