Part 8: Politics Galore

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"Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

You felt sweat drip down your head, your first transformation would have been what revealed your abilities to Pyxis, and his own questioning of you, that means it was before that but after going along with Mikasa and Armin to protect Eren, which meant it must have been during the whole cannon event. And that meant-

"Sir, my friends Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman and Eren who is right next to me, were under the threat of death, what I did in that situation was self-defence, or at least it was in my own opinion! I thought that we would be killed, and under that impression I transformed and did indeed kick 20 members. I was in hope that it could cause enough chaos to buy me and my friends enough time to plan out our next move."

Zackery nodded.

"That does indeed seem reasonable, very well. Given your display of control while carrying the boulder at Trost, you have convinced me of your control. I declare Y/N L/N will be handed over to the authority of the Scouts, with no strings attached."

You sighed in relief, your handcuffs were taken off and you were shown to the side of the room that the scouts were within. Erwin walked up to you and shook your hand.

"Good going Y/N, I knew you could pull through."

You nodded, and the commander motioned for you to stand next to him, which you did.

"Onto you Mr Yeager, another report says: After transforming, shortly after L/N, while he was getting accustomed to his titan body, you attacked him, landing a single punch before winding up to throw another before being knocked out by L/N and having him carry the boulder on his own."

Eren was looking very nervous, you made a tiny cut on your thumb in preparation to transform, he was going to do something stupid again.

"I thought he was a normal titan sir, and so I attacked him in order to remove any threats." 

"There were no titans at the boulder before-hand, and then one magically appeared? that doesn't seem very convincing Mr Yeager, you can't pull the same trick L/N did. Now Mr L/N, did Eren attack you while in titan form?"

You bit your lip, this was going to be a pain, especially since he probably couldn't remember, like you on your first transformation. But you still had your cut if you needed it.

"Yes sir, but I do believe he was honestly mistaken, from what I remember Eren never had a chance to get a good look at the boulder as he had rushed off to transform almost immediately. However he has also saved me and Mikasa before, while a titan might I add. Mikasa and I had run out of gas and were stuck on the streets of Trost, a titan was approaching and at that point I was unaware of my powers, Eren however appeared and killed the titan before running off to kill more."

"Objection, we have reason to believe that this is a fabricated event and Mr L/N's own personal friendship with Yeager would implore him to try to help him in this case, they both trained in the 104'th cadets and were good friends during that time, as well as this. Our own personal investigation has revealed that, while not entirely relevant to this case. Mikasa Ackerman was orphaned as a child. Eren and his brother who strikes a extraordinary resemblance to Mr L/N, both in appearance and and name, both having it be Y/N. Killed 3 kidnappers, along with the help of Mikasa, we are unaware of what happened to Y/N after the fall of wall Maria, but it is assumed he was killed. However given these new circumstances, we have reason to believe he survived and made it into the adoption of another family, where he then grew up and joined the cadets, ignoring this however, we have to question the humanity of these 3 considering this informatio-" You cut the man off, he had hit the bulls-eye on what happened to you, but you weren't happy with this info coming out.

"Are you trying to imply I was kidnapped as a child and without my own knowledge? And also if this was the case and I am Eren's brother, would I not have transformed to save my 'family'?"

"It may be s-"

"Maybe she's one!" One of the merchants pointed at Mikasa, you knew exactly what was about to happen and you weren't happy with it.

"OI FUCKER, LEAVE MIKASA OUT OF THIS! SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!" You yelled at him, Mikasa would not get involved in this under your watch.


"SHE'S FUCKING INNOCENT!" Eren yelled at the man.


"SHUT UP!" Eren clanged his cuffs against the bar, as he did so the hall fell silent and you hopped over the bar.

"Let me handle this." You muttered to Eren, he nodded before looking at the floor. "Fools, let's just remember that right now, nobody has any ODM gear, me and Eren can transform into titans, and if you look at my hand-to-hand fighting records, you'd see i'm unmatched here, so you treat us with some god damned respect because there is nothing you can do to stop us right now!" You bellowed, there was some nervous chattering and rustling of clothes as you caught eyes with one of the MPs.

"TAKE AIM DAMNIT!" Someone yelled, The MP panicked a quick response and pointed his rifle at you.

You growled as lightning started sparking around you, ready to teach this fool a lesson until-

You were knocked back, there was a large impact on your face, you turned to the cause and saw Levi standing there, you gritted your teeth and rose your arms, he smirked and did the same.

He ran at you, throwing a right-hook which you dodged, you grabbed onto his arm and turned to throw him, only for him to kick your legs in and smash your head into the floor.

"There's a plan, keep still." He muttered to you as he did so. You quickly threw him off you and you both circled each other, you both winked at each other and rushed again, you did a jump kick. He grabbed your legs and swirled you around before throwing you into the banister, destroying the wood.

You laid there, hopefully this performance would be convincing and people thought you were knocked out.

"Y'know, I personally believe nothing instils discipline like pain. They don't need a talking to, what they are in need of is to be taught a lesson."

Levi started kicking you brutally, blood spurted from your mouth and you were on the verge of transforming just to be done with all this.

"Slow down Levi, what if he gets angry and transforms?" The commander of the MP put an end to your beating.

"Don't you lot wanna cut him up? Surely you should have thought it through and figured out a way to kill him. I can do it by hand without a problem, he spoke high and mighty but right now he's at my feet knocked out in a puddle of his own blood."

"Sir I have a proposition." Erwin spoke up, you sighed lightly, he was gonna pull something out of his ass wasn't he.


"I suggest we put Eren and Y/N under Captain Levi's supervision, he will be capable of keeping them in check, we will perform a expedition and bring the two along, you can decide based on the results whether to keep Eren in the scouts or have him turned over to the MPs."

"Well then, I have made my choice..."


Hanji was patching you up, asking you several questions about if it hurt.

"Well Y/N, sorry you had to go through that, but you were asking for it, I do however respect your commitment to defending your friends, I'm glad you're on the team." Erwin, complimented you? Or was that a insult, to hell with it, doesn't matter anyways.

Levi slammed down on the seat next to you.

"You don't hate me, do you Y/N?" You frowned at him.

"I won't be friendly for a while, you went a bit far and that'll definitely make me hold a grudge, but we'll call it even if we can have a fair fight later down the line."

Levi nodded, smirking as he did so.

<==To be continued...===============

Eren's Second Brother [AOT reader book]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora