Part 5: Graduation

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You ran through the rain, your cloak being soaked and your hair drenched as you made your way past everyone else. You were carrying 2 bags of gear whilst everyone else only had one.

You pulled your fingers through your hair as you exhaled sharply, turning your attention back to the track as you continued to run. Shadis was watching and you knew it, you ignored him however and kept making progress.

Y/N L/N. A beast like no other, he's strong enough to carry twice a average soldier's load and fast enough with it to beat an adult without weights in a race. Smart enough to put the technicians in the Garrison to shame, he has drive and determination equal to Yeager, however instead of picking fights every other week he's just cold to people he doesn't agree with. Still one of the "big brothers" of the 104'th but can switch on a dime of needed. H-T-H combat isn't a issue for him, capable of taking on and beating Ackerman consistently, even while making sure to not hurt her. ODM technique is unusual but not ineffective. He'll do as asked in a team but won't communicate any more then that. He can make his gas last 2 times as long as anyone else and can almost fly without the grapples. A true prodigy. (rank #1)


Years passed as you and the 104'th trained, you had gotten to know them like they were all your brothers and sisters. You had very few days off but today was one of them, probably the last you would get before graduation, and you knew what you wanted to do with it.

"Name and purpose?" A voice called from behind the door.

"Y/N L/N, I'm here for permission to exit training grounds."

There was a shuffle of noises and furniture before the voice called out again. "Enter."

You opened the door and stepped inside shutting it behind you.

"What is it cadet L/N?"

You nodded, swallowing before speaking.

"I'm here to ask if I can have permission to leave the training area today to go see my family back home."

"What time will you be returning at?"

"I'll be here at either midnight or mid-day tomorrow sir, it depends on whether I can get a boat back through the walls again."

Keith nodded, putting to his finger to his mouth as he thought over it.

"I don't see why not, you'll miss just under half a day of training, but you don't need it do you Y/N?"

You merely shook your head.

"Alright fine, you have permission to leave grounds for today and tomorrow, we'll be doing some ODM training by the time you return, you'll know where we are."

You nodded saluting him before walking out.

Now you just needed to get out of here.


You knocked on the door, it had been a while since your last visit and you were super-hyped to see your family again.

There was a click at the door as it opened to reveal your sister, her bright purple eyes in all their glory.

"Frieda!!!" you called out, hugging her as she held out her arms.

"Come inside, we were just about to have lunch."


"So Y/N, the cadet corps giving you any trouble? I hear they're kicking training into overdrive in the few weeks up to graduation, just to see if any placements change." Rod started the small talk as you caught up about the things you had missed.

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