Chapter 8

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George's POV

hours later-

"Karl!" Sapnap yelled from across the room. "Sapnap shut the fuck up, your not even punching right dumb ass!" Karl yelled. Sapnap then looked at Karl. "excuse me!?" He yelled, as if he was offended. "Jeezes Christ.. fucking babies.." I spoke under my breath looking at Dream. Dream was shirtless and sweaty.

"Good punch Dream!" I yelled out. I then felt a ball hit the back of my head. I looked back and Karl and Sapnap where standing neatly in a line, smiling at me. "Who was it" I spoke out, and they both pointed each other. I both looked at them before Sapnap came clean. "Okay I may have hit you with the ball but I was aiming for Karl!"

I then whined up and punched him, well he grabbed my hand before I could punch him. "Good job, taught him well huh Karl?" I smirked. I then rammed into Sapnap, picking him up and throwing him over my shoulder. He coughed and held his stomach on the ground, rolling around.

"But well enough.." I breathed out looking at Sapnap. "Hit me with a ball again and I'll show you what I'm made of.." I scoffed kicking him in the thigh. "Fucking whimp" I chuckled looking at Dream. "Get back to work!" I said walking over to the bench and sitting down.

Dreams POV.

Wow.. I spoke with a smile. I punched the punching bag looking over at george who was squirting his water into his mouth. I then looked at Sapnap and we made eye contact. We both smirked and nodded. Then we both looked at Karl. Sapnap got up and walked over to me. "Now let's see him.." I spoke. "Got it sir" he spoke.

I looked back at george who was giving me the death stare. We made eye contact for a couple seconds before I broke off, punching the bag again.

A couple hours later and it was snack time. George and karl were huddled up in a little duo in the corner snickering. And me and Sapnap were on the bench looking at them.

"Ready?" I spoke. "Yeah" Sapnap smiled. I then grabbed my apple and threw it at Karl's head. Then I turned back around with my back facing them and pretended to laugh and snicker to Sapnap. A couple seconds later I turned back around and both of them were gone. "What the.." I spoke and turned around to Sapnap being gone.

I stood up quickly and looked around to all the other people. I then saw Karl and george come out of the locker room giggling. They went back to there spots and continued eating. I walked over to the locker room. "Sapnap?" I spoke out. I then heard pounding on one of the lockers.

I walked over to it and opened it to see Sapnap with the same apple in his mouth. I laughed out, that soon turned into a wheeze. I then felt both my knees give up as someone kicked me in the back of the knee.

I fell down to the floor and looked behind em quicklh to see Karl standing there. He punched me and shoved me in a locker And closed it. "Hey!" I yelled out. I then heard Sapnap get shoved in the locker next to me. Karl chuckled and left. "Sapnap you dumb bitch!" I yelled out.

"Not my fault!" He also yelled out. I use to always be shoved in lockers while I was a kid, so I found out a way to open the locker from the inside. I opened it and stepped out looking around. I grunted and opened the locker to Sapnap.

"You wanted to see what he could do.. I think he's perfect.." Sapnap spoke. "Stealthy.." I spoke looking at the shower. "Great ass aswell" he smirked. I then looked at him and raised an eye brow. He looked at me. "What" he spoke.

I shook my head and walked out of the locker room with him. He both sat down and finished eating our food. "There perfect, just a couple more weeks" I spoke with a smirk. "Until then, let's show them what we are made of.." Sapnap spoke with a smirk.


Let's find out what happened in a couple weeks..?

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