Senior Farewell

23 4 0

I'm speechless.

Today was my last day with you all. I wanted to say "Thanks for the memories (even though they weren't so great)". I wanted to tell you all that I'll miss you, your silly jokes and rants and gossip. I'll miss especially C/S/O, a big part of my high school experience. I wish I could make up for those weeks I spent, angry at you. Y/F, I'll miss you. I was upset with the two of you for not understanding, and I hope one you'll see this and forgive me because I forgive you.

I wish we could finish our movie night, Netflix and chips (do you guys remember that?) and I hope you remember me as a human, not to excuse my behavior, but to align your views with empathy. This goes for everyone I wronged, even if I don't know about it.

C, I may never trust you for telling Y/F what I said, you broke it too much. But I understand why now and I forgive you as well.

I'm sorry and I wish you all the best.

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