He's Your What?

566 11 0

January 11 2021

Ren's P.O.V

After two more days of fine tweaking I can safely say that I can fully utilize my style effectively and the help from Jeff and his buddies from Impact were really appreciated since they were on board with the idea especially when they had a first hand experience of my 'blind' wrestling style although It won't amount to much if I don't get the chance to use them in live matches since my return's been moved to next week

To pass the time I was inside the bus currently playing Tekken 7 on my laptop with my favorite character Eddie Gordo

"Got room for one more?" someone said
Turning my head I saw Lexi who was smiling

"Yeah I got a spare controller" I said going to my bag and plugged it on my laptop as she sat next to me

Right now we were picking characters I went and chose Eddie again however Lexi surprised me when she chose Christie Monteiro

"Lexi you do know you just chose a character with the same style as mine right" I said squinting my eyes on her choice

"I know Ren that's why I chose her what you scared you'll lose" She said smirking

"Nope just checking" I said while choosing a random map for the round

The game so far was pretty good it was a best of five match but was but I got destroyed 3-2 a few minutes later

"See told you I was good" She said handing me back the controller

"We'll have a rematch soon, so what's the plan later" I said leaving my laptop on the counter

"For you though you won't be on the show for tonight" Lexi informed me

"That  sucks" I said skulking

"Oh come on just endure it for now you'll be back by next week" She said patting head

"Fine but I still want to see everyone's faces when I debut again" I said imagining their reactions

"If mine and Jeff's reactions were anything to go by you'll probably cause quite an uproar with what you're about to do " She said grinning at the  prospect

"Yeah I mean who would willingly fight with their eyes closed and still be effective" I answered

"Speaking of can you really see even though your eyes are closed?" Lexi asked

" I'd still be able to see through my eye lids so no harm done" I replied

"So that's why you're going through with this it won't even be any different it's as if you're just fighting like you usually do" She said nodding her head

"That's the trick they'll be so out of it trying to figure out how I'm fight on even grounds with them while I take advantage of their mistakes and overwhelm my opponents" I told her

"That's  next level mind games right there " Lexi said

"Good thing I don't do it often" I said offhandedly

"About your eyes though ever wonder how you came to get them" She questioned

"Not sure although my uncle said it comes from the mother's side of them family" I replied

"What was the name of your eyes again" Nikki inquired as she paused what she was watching

"Byakugan in japanese which translates to the all seeing white eye" I answered

"Is  your mother from Japan? " Lexi asked

"Yeah she was came from a clan of nobles, but wait till you hear what I found out about them through my mother's notes" I said making them interested

Painful Return & Playful Romance A WWE FanficWhere stories live. Discover now