Training Day

444 9 0

January  8 2021

Ren's P.O.V

WWE Performance Center

After having finished our weekly schedule we were back center to practice some moves thought up in the drawing board mostly for me since I need to familiarize myself with my weird fighting style while coaching Lexi and Nikki with their moveset adjustments

"Thanks for doing this with me Jeff" I said finishing my warm ups

"Don't mention it although I'm genuinely curious what are you cooking up this time" He replied

"I'll be fighting with my eyes closed" I said making Jeff raise his eyebrows

"Did I hear that right? you're going to fight with no vision? are you alright in the head" He

* He said it to both of us but seeing is believing so here we are" Lexi said wiping her  face with a towel

"Come on I'll prove to you lets have a mock match" I said hopping to the ring while secretly activated my eyes

"If you say so" Jeff reluctantly replied

"Ready?" Lexi said ready to ring the bell

"Yeah" Jeff said while I just nodded closing my eyes as he didn't notice the veins around them

As Lexi rung the bell as we started  our impromptu match

We met in the middle for a collar tie up which I won and then went for an irish whip making Jeff run to the ropes I leapt over Jeff and ran towards the ropes to do a springboard crossbody, I then made a  pin but Jeff kicked out I then had him in a headlock but Jeff got out of the hold with elbows to the midsection  and tried to do a twist of faith but I countered shoving him away and did a kick but he caught it and drove his elbow on my knee and used this time to do an inverted atomic drop and ran towards the ropes and did an DDT in addition to the move he used earlier and went for a pin and I kicked out.

Jeff lifted both my legs up for his signature move he then jumped and his legs landed on the middle making me groan in pain, He then went for a surfboard stretch grabbing on to my arms and driving his knee on my back, attempting to power out it slowly stood up and reversed the hold with a bulldog and went for armbar but Jeff tried to roll out of the move only to get caught with a triangle hold left with no other choice he scrambled to the bottom rope and was successful and forced the break.

After a short break we went back at it exchanging a few blows I then chose to duck a hook from Jeff and went for a alley oop facebuster but he landed on his feet he then ran towards me only to be met with a spinning back fist stunning him I then ran to the ropes and did a swinging neck breaker, not done however I wasn't done as I ran to the corner immediately going to the top rope,and I went for a double Moonsault I hit the move 'blind'then went for the pin as Jeff didn't kick out anymore.

After the mock match ended I deactivated my eyes before I  focused my attention to Jeff to make sure he was okay

"You good ? told ya I could do it" I said pulling him up

"I'm good but how can you do that those moves were spot on" Jeff said catching his breath

"That's a secret man lets leave it at that" I said while he just nodded as the both us rolled out of the ring Jeff left for the showers while I went towards the two

"So believe me now" I said smugly

"I do but you already knew that did you" Lexi said

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