Flames of Hell

641 10 0

TV Broadcast

3rd Person P.O.V

Now it was time for the main event of the evening the firefly Inferno Match as the ring was set up so that we can ensure that the audience was far from the reach of the flames as they now originate from the barricade area, this has been adjusted since the previous inferno match layout limits the wrestlers moveset and now allows more room to move.

While the commentary team and the other ringside staff were religated to a safe area away from the heat

Bell rings

"This contest is an Inferno match where the only way to win is to set your opponent on fire, introducing first WWE Hall of Famer Rogan Pierce" Mike Rome exclaimed

"You have to wonder what is going through Rogan's mind now that this will be his third inferno match in his career having both Kane and the Undertaker as opponents he certainly has experience going into this one" Cole started off

"Agreed having been in this situation before you have got to believe Rogan can win this one however he's not encountered a foe like the Fiend before" Corey added in his analysis

"Correct even Bray has rather been quiet as to why he wants him to be apart of their family lets just hope Rogan can prevail tonight"Cole said

"And his opponent The Fiend"Mike Rome exclaimed

"Just when you thought the atmosphere cant get anymore unerving enough the fiend takes it to a whole new level"Corey

"And you know that Rogan has been looking forward to this as this is the entity that warped his students Alexa Bliss to an almost twisted version of herself but will he get answers from him though?"Cole

"Knowing Rogan he might need to beat the Fiend to get the chance to know why he's even doing this to him in the first place"Corey

Currently the both of them were having a stare down as The Fiend once again held up the H.E.A.L glove once again as the Hall of Famer just shook his head slowly, then his opponent raised both hands and let them down as the flames now surrounded the outside area of the ring

The referee now signaled for the match to begin as the bell rang, Rogan immediately went to the offensive as he overwhelmed his opponent enough that he was now backed onto the corner

However it didn't last long as the Fiend stopped the assault by shoving Rogan away he composed himself to resume his offense as he ran to the ropes but was caught by a Uranagi as the flames rose up in exclamation to The Fiend's move

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