Tin Can vs Undertaker with Electric whips

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There are two types of people in this world; one who stays away from messy situations and one who dives headfirst into the cesspool of messy situations. I was dragged into a messy situation as I was dressed in a black one shoulder jumpsuit with a floral tulle overskirt following the newly appointed CEO of Stark industries and our resident genius, billionaire, playboy and dying philanthropist into the Hotel De Paris in Monaco. The moment I agreed to go on this trip I immediately regretted my wonderfully stupid decision as I remembered that this meant I had to get dressed up for the occasion and enter into a room filled with billionaires, millionaires and socialites which was not so ideal for my ever developing powers which tend to act up in the most unsavoury surroundings. Pepper had taken me shopping for the racing event, the price tags on those dresses made me want to turn right back around and forward march out of the mall but Pepper being the absolutely boss she is dragged me back inside. I went for a jumpsuit instead of a one piece dress because going after a maniac with electric whips in a dress wasn't logical even though it would have looked badass

"You know it's Europe, Whatever happens the next 20 minutes just go with it" Tony warned Pepper as they entered the hotel. "Go with it? Go with what?" Pepper asked confused but the appearance of the ever professional Natalie Rushman answered all her lingering questions as annoyance settled upon her face. 'Damn Pepper looks like she is going to pepper spray Tony' Divya stated a little bit of awe and fear settling in her voice 'Well if she uses it then I may personally add chilli powder to it cause Tony is gonna do a lot worse' I said resigned to the fact that Tony's downward spiral into becoming recklessness due to the poisoning has started. Natasha gave me a subtle nod when she spotted me with them which I returned with one of my own. She guided both of them to pose for some photos and I stood beside her witnessing their lover's quarrel unfold. "When did this happen?" Pepper said her face plastered into a smile which honestly scared me just like when my mom does before she chases me around the house with a sandal in her hand. "What? You made me do it" Tony replied to which Divya retorted 'This guy is intentionally sabotaging his own relationship' I just sighed and shook my head. Natasha pulled me into a corner and looked me over for a second before asking "What happened that day?". The question stumped me as I was trying to decode which day she was referring to when Divya helpfully said 'She's talking about the panic attack you dumbass' .

"I'm fine Natasha, I guess I was a bit overwhelmed with the whole undercover spy thing" I said the lie tasting bitter on my tongue but I tried to give her a reassuring smile but she just raised an eyebrow seeing right through the lie. "If you have any problem and want to back out tell me okay? I'll talk to Fury" she said and I nodded as words betrayed me at the kindness the seemingly emotionless assassin showed me. We came back to the bickering duo as Tony approached Natalie as I walked with Pepper. "What's on the docket?" Tony asked to which she replied "You have a 9:30 dinner". Tony being the absolute Diva he is said that he'll be there at 11:00. "A Queen is never late everybody else is simply early" I murmured Pepper chuckling at the reference as Tony threw me an offended look "I'd prefer being King but being a Queen doesn't sound that bad either". "Of course Your majesty" I said with a slight bow as Tony smirked. Tony told Natasha to book the corner seat as Pepper met up with Elon Musk. 'Is this the guy who named his son X Æ A- Xii' Divya asked as I replied amused 'Yup the one and only, I really pity the kid'. 

Tony was still following behind Pepper trying to placate as I was internally laughing my laughing my ass out. Tony then suggested Natalie give Pepper a shoulder massage as I winced internally and Divya whistled stunned 'He calls himself a playboy but fails miserably to placate his angry girlfriend?' to which I snorted and replied 'He may be charming in his own sarcastic way but when it comes to expressing emotion and communicate this guy has a long way to go'. "Green is not your best colour" Tony said which made me do a face palm as Divya lost it laughing uncontrollably. Pepper flushed in annoyance as I whispered lowly to Tony "You should reconsider saying that to your future wife Tony" to which Tony looked at me baffled and shocked to core as I smirked mysteriously. "Pepper...we.. are not....." Tony sputtered out as I retorted "Yeah and Hammer Industry is better than Stark Industries" as Tony narrowed his eyes in mock offense "That's a low blow" as I chuckled but my momentary happiness was cut off and was replaced by annoyance as I heard that annoying voice. "Anthony! Is that you?" Justin Hammer's voice filters into my ears as I visibly clenched my hands into fists. 'Who's this douchebag?' Divya asked sensing my annoyance toward him 'Meet Justin Hammer, CEO of Hammer industries which is like a cheap rip-off of Stark Industries' I replied resentment clear in my voice as continued 'His weapons don't even work and he also named one of his weapons EX- WIFE , I mean come on was your relationship also a flop and disastrous like your weapons' to which Divya was silent before saying 'Yeah this guy is an idiot'.

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