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Because I have nothing better to do with my life, I wrote a genre-bending book filled with clichés (yeah, I definitely went through this book to make sure I was on the right track):

Because I have nothing better to do with my life, I wrote a genre-bending book filled with clichés (yeah, I definitely went through this book to make sure I was on the right track):

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description: Ashley Sharp is your average teenager who looks like she has stepped out of a magazine cover. She has it all: absent parents, a supportive best friend, a loving boyfriend, and a possesive bad boy she is cheating on her boyfriend with.

After agreeing to a game night with her classmates, she encounters the worst nightmare anyone possibly can-the ghost of a legendary serial killer hunting them down.

Sitting on a comfy sofa, Ashley unveils the horror witnessed by her and her friends to the handsome interviewer interested in nothing but the details of the eventful weekend.

Scary Movie meets Wattpad in this very unoriginal, cliché horror story where characters are unrealistic and dumb. And sometimes... unrealistically dumb. As they should be.


You can find it on my profile. Happy reading! And don't forget to comment. And vote. And share. And hug it. And sell your soul. Idk whatever Wattpad is into these days.


It's already #10 on
#WorstStoryEver ❤️

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