{~Ep. 1~}

849 13 6

{~China POV~}

As I enter my basement the twelve Asians shiver in fear they went behind their father... Asean I smirked knowing what I will ad shall do... "p- p- please... J- just let us go!" Asean said in a shaky voice their body shaking so did their chains

{~Asean POV~}

I tried to cover my children up as he went outside.... When he got back... He had a knife with him .. "N- NO PLEASE D- DONT I-IM BEGGING YOU P- PLEASE CHINA!!!!" I yelled in fear

{~ China POV~}

"N- NO PLEASE D- DONT I- IM BEGGING YOU P- PLEASE CHINA!!!!" He yelled in fear I smirked I went closer to him "Think I'm merciful now?" I asked him I took the one nearest to me... Brunei...

"DONT KILL HIM PLEASE CHINA!!!" Asean yelled "Don't you hate him?" I asked Asean "NO I DONT PLEASE DONT T- TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME PLEASE!!!!!" He yelled i smirk and slowly slit Brunei's throat.. "N- NO BRUNEI!!!" Asean yelled as the bruneian fell to the cold floor limp the floor slowly getting bloody "Lovely sight..." i said i took thailand and stabbed her chest Asean cried as i chuckled i noticed he was holding Papua in his hands... i took her out of his hands and slit her throat Asean screamed "PLEASE CHINA S- STOP!!!!" he yells

I took malaysia and kicked her stomach the malaysian screamed phillip began to hit me i growl i took Phillip by his throat and chocking him "P- PLEASE K- KILL ME N- NOT THEM!!!' Asean cried i look at him as i let go of phillip and he fell to the floor dead "Ill save 2 of you for last.." i said and looked at malaysia and punched her as her face began bleeding i chuckled and stabbed her stomach..

I took timor and stabbed his chest "Two for one?" i said and took a dagger i took Myanmar and Laos and stabbed their stomach then private areas.. My dagger is bloody now "Awh man.." i said and sharpened my dagger more i came close to Cambodia "N- NO!!" Asean yelled and pushed me i fell on my wrists making me hiss i growled i snatched Cambodia and stabbed him endlessly i take my dagger off him ... 2 left... "Who shall i let live hm?" i asked Asean whines i took Timor "This ones useless" i said and stabbed Timor in the back...

Timor fell on the floor dead... I slowly walked away from him, indo and singapore, once they've let their guard down... I threw my dagger at singapore hitting her, right in the chest, she let out a loud gasp... Before closing her eyes... Dying...

{~Asean POV~}

"P- please China! D- don't kill Indonesia I beg you!" i cried to him... I can't afford to Lose another one!.. "... I won't.." China said i sighed in relief and hugged indonesia...

"semuanya akan baik-baik saja setelah mereka sampai di sini oke? itu akan baik-baik saja .. saya meyakinkan Anda papa selalu di sini ..(everything will be fine once they get here okay? it will be fine.. i assure you papa is always here..)" I said to indo i bury his face in my chest China took a glass of water and put a pill in it

He walked to me I crawl back "Drink it" he said.. "No!" i refuse "I said.. DRINK IT!!!" he yelled i took it and drank it all in one gulp "Good..." he said

No More <Asean country humans AU>Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora