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Author's Note: Hey! So this is my first story:) No hate!!

Here's the main Character. Her name is Asher she is 18.

But she is 16 during the flashback.

I imagine her with brown eyes but it's your choice:)

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I imagine her with brown eyes but it's your choice:)

And here is her wolf;)

I'll introduce more characters in the next chapter as well as their wolves:)

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I'll introduce more characters in the next chapter as well as their wolves:)

Now on to the story....

If you had asked me a year ago if I thought fear and respect go hand in hand I would have looked at you like you grew two heads.

Although, over the last few years, my sentiment has changed on that inclination.

My name is Asher Kingston.

Now I know what your thinking. This is just another story about a rouge wolf out on her own. That couldn't be farther from the truth.

I am not your average wolf. I am what's known as a Secondary Hybrid.

Many haven't even heard of my kind until now. Centuries ago, my kind was wiped out by a team made up of packs from all over the world. Many refer to this "incident" as the Hybrid war. My ancestors were murdered as a result of fear. They feared us because we were different. We were stronger, faster, and even untouchable when it comes to most weapons.

Silver has no affect on us. Wolfsbane has no affect on us. If you can get close enough, snapping our necks will knock us out cold for a minute or two depending on if we've fed recently and how strong we are in that moment. But if I were you I wouldn't stand too close. It tends to royally piss us off. It may not kill us as most intend, but it leaves behind a nasty headache in its wake.

Despite our similarities, my kind is still feared to this day and is only brought up in conversation behind closed doors and in hushed whispers. Whereas, normal Hybrids are accepted these days and even cherished though there really isn't many of them left either. In fact, I only know of one living Hybrid. But that's a topic for another time.

How are we different? You may ask. Well to put it simply, it all starts with our biologies. A normal Hybrid is part wolf and part vampire. The vampire side gets activated once the hybrid dies. The only one I know of in existence died in his Mother's womb. His vampiric side was activated before he even took his first breath in this world.

They also have human in them due to their werewolf genes. So in short, there is 3 parts to them as a whole. In contrast to that, my gene makeup is almost entirely the same yet completely different.

My Mother, Amber Kingston, was part wolf and part witch. My Father, Travis Kingston, was a normal Hybrid. In turn, I am made up of 4 things total. You can tell which side of me is in control based on the color of my eyes.

My wolf gene is represented by an amber orange when I am in my human form. However, when I shift and my wolf, Gypsy, takes control my eyes are a crystal blue almost white color. Confusing I know. But they match perfectly with my white fur and its grey undertone.

My human side is represented by the color of eyes I was born with which is chocolate brown. There really isn't anything special about them. However, in recent years I've been told they are shockingly similar bottomless pits. They take in everything and give away nothing in return.

My vampire side is represented by a vibrant yet gut wrenching red. Most of the time, my wolf side makes an appearance before my vampire side can. And sometimes they clash and the red and Amber mix together in a very interesting way. Unlike a hybrid, my vampire does not have to be activated. I was born with it.

And last but not least. The side that makes me completely different from the normal Hybrids is my witch side. Which is represented by a glowing baby blue.

This is the side that scares most to their cores. This added part of my gene makeup enables me to snap necks with a snap of my fingers or send whatever person or object I want flying with a flick of my wrist. I can even cause someone pain simply by giving them a look.

To be more specific, I can make them think their head is about to explode from the inside out, when in all reality it's just an enormous amount of pressure being built up. However, I'm sure if I let it go on long enough it could probably kill someone. Or I can choose to put the pain in their stomach, in which case, I've been told most can't even form words through that pain. Although that doesn't make sense to me because shouldn't the head hurt more? But whatever. Maybe it depends on the person.

Before we get into my present life your going to want a refresher...

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