Here We Go Again...

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White hot rage filled my entire body. The blood in my veins rushed to my ears with such a roar that it drowned out the voices in the room and made my limbs go numb. I clenched my jaw so hard that I thought it would break. My nails dug into my palms so hard that I was positive if all my blood wasn't already swirling around in my ears it would be dripping on the carpet. I felt my eyes go from brown to blue as my powers fought to take over. Thunder sounded above the compound and shook the ground beneath me. My brain was spinning so fast that I couldn't form words. A gut wrenching growl exploded from my clenched jaw and everyone in the room froze. No one dared to even breathe.

My powers finally stayed at the surface. My eyes remained glowing blue as I said, "I know exactly who did this." I clenched and unclenched my jaw to keep from breaking the table the rest of the way. My hands remained in fists. As I slowly made eye contact with my guards across the room I could tell through the pack mind link that they knew what was coming next.
"Who did-"Aaniyah starts to say.

But I turned on my heel ignoring everyone in the room. I mind linked Elizabeth on my way out and tell her to keep the peace with the families. I barely clear the doorway before shifting into my wolf form so Gypsy can take control. We take off in the direction of the pack house in a full on sprint.

I need to do this before I change my mind...


I shift back as soon as I'm about to hit the front steps of the pack house.

I manage to make it to my dresser before the tears slide down my reddened cheeks. My eyes are still glowing blue. I can feel the magic sizzling in my finger tips like a wild animal scratching to be set free. My lungs feel like they're about to explode but I'm not sure if it's from the sudden sprint I just did or the panic attack that's finally setting in.

"This can't be happening. I was free. I was happy. This CAN'T be happening!" I say to both my reflection and to Gypsy.

'Your not facing this alone I'll be with you the whole time. Besides it's time Pine Valley pack learns a lesson.' Gypsy responds in our head.

"Your right. I- no WE can do this. We will face whatever is in store for us back in Texas. We will take down Piney Valley one wolf at a time." I respond to Gypsy.

'That's my girl!' I swear I can feel Gypsy smiling in my head.

I close my eyes and take a deep steadying breath. When I look back at my reflection my normal chocolate brown eyes are staring back at me instead of my eerie blue ones. I have learned a lot about myself in the last year. I have more control over my powers and my emotions. But that could all unravel if I let the return to Texas get to me. Staring at my reflection I realize my eyes look haunted again. They haven't looked like this in at least a year. I have to be careful not lose control or I could do more damage than what I'm intending.

A thought occurs to me.

"You do realize going back means we're going to run into Jaxon right?" I ask trying to hold in a laugh.

Gypsy does nothing more than growl. Guess she and I feel the same way about our joke of a mate.


Once my emotions are in check I get dressed and start packing.

As I'm getting dressed, Gypsy so helpfully reminds me what today is.

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