
After class was dismissed, I stopped at my locker. 

I looked over to see Scott and one of his pale friends walking over to me. 

I groaned, "Oh, hell."

 Scott stopped in front of me, "Gravity?"

 I smiled, "In the flesh." 

Scott widened his eyes, "What are you doing here? How did you know that I could hear you? Why are you-"

 I put my hand up, interrupting him, "Pause. God, you ask too many questions, McCall. First off, I transferred here because it's closer to my dream college and I have some friends who go to school here. Second, I sensed it on you when I walked in. And lastly, no." Scott raised an eyebrow as I smirked and turned to the boy next to him, "Who is your friend?"

 The pale boy put his hand out, "I'm Stiles. Scott's best friend."

 I looked over at Scott and sucked my teeth, "Ouch. I feel like I should be hurt that you have a new best friend."

 Scott chuckled nervously, "Yeah well, things change." 

I nodded, "Like you. When did you become a wolf?" 

Scott narrowed his eyes, "When did you become a wolf?" 

I smirked, "I've been a wolf, bud. Since before I knew you. It runs in my family." 

Scott huffed, "Wow. I had no idea." 

I shrugged, "Of course you didn't. You were thirteen. Anyways, I have to get to class. Can I catch you later?" 

Scott shook his head, "We have so much more to talk about, though." 

I groaned and grabbed a sharpie out of my backpack. I pulled Stiles' arm over to me and wrote my number down on his wrist. 

I put my sharpie away and clicked my tongue, "There's my number. Ask any questions you want... later." I looked over at Stiles and smirked, "Same thing goes for you." I winked at Stiles before walking away. 

I was walking down the hallway when a familiar voice caught my attention.

 "I don't know, Mason. Everything's just confusing right now." 

I smirked and turned around, "Liam Dunbar. Is that you?" 

The blonde boy behind me smiled brightly, "Gravity!"

 I clicked my tongue, "God, I've missed you, mini me."

 Liam gave me a hug and chuckled, "What are you doing here?"

 I shrugged with a slight smirk on my face, "Did you think that I was kidding when I told you that I was coming to see you?"

 Liam's fave went narrowed, "Well, I-I thought you were just talking about meeting up and getting coffee."

 I scoffed, "We both know how much you hate coffee. Besides, BHHS is closer to my dream college." 

Liam nodded, "And how's your dad?" 

I sucked my teeth, "Dead. I got emancipated."

 His smile went low, "Oh. I guess his liver disease caught up with him, huh?"

 I put my hands in my pockets, "Yeah." 

Liam huffed, "I'm sorry. What about your mom?" 

I chuckled uncomfortably, "Um, she's been coming and going for the last year or so. It's fine though."

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