~Chapter 4~

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^credits: yayuyo85 (twitter)

Heyyyy guys,

I guess I'm very slow with updates, so sorry for that. I tried to fix the fact that I switch between pov a lot. So I tried to write it in the third person pov. It worked, I guess. I don't think I switched to much between the povs. I made this chapter longer than the others because I was gone for way to long.

So here you go part 4 :D

Killua followed the black-haired man to the alley next to the building. They walked to what he thought was the main street as it was crowded with people. Killua stopped in his track as he saw weird looking people. One of them had horns while another had six arms, there were people who looked like animals, like the chimera ant. Rage went through his pale body. The chimera ants can't be here. The people resembling chimera ants looked different from the ants he knew. They looked so much more human than the chimera ants. Also, the people did not look at their crazy appearance. They saw no danger in them. "Are you okay?"

The man's voice took him out of his thoughts. Killua nodded and picked up his pace so that he could walk next to the black-haired man. As they walked through the city, he saw more and more shops with the crazy symbols. After a ten-minute walk they arrived at a large building which Killua thought to be the police station. They went in. On his left he noticed four men sitting on a bench. On his right was a counter with a redheaded woman behind it.

"Yo Aizawa, who have you brought with you this time?" Spoke the redheaded woman towards their direction.

"This is Killua, is it okay if I take him to interrogation room four?" Said the black-haired man who he assumed was Aizawa.

"So, what did the little boy do?" Killua looked angry at the redheaded woman when she called him that.

"You know I can't tell you, Matsui." Matsui sighed and typed something in her computer. She looked at us with an irritated face and said, "Interrogation room four is now free."

"Thank you Matui." said Aizawa while walking further into the building. Killua followed him and soon they came to a room with a weird symbol on it. He thought it was supposed to represents a four because Aizawa opened the door and walked inside. Before Killua could enter he felt a sharp pain going through his body.

He felt less stress since they entered the police station. He guessed his adrenaline made him forget that he was in pain. He put on his poker face and ignored his pain, while walking inside the room. The room consisted of a black table and three chairs. Two on one side of the table and one on the other side. Killua sat on the side with only one chair, and Aizawa sat opposite of him.

"Where do you live?" was the first thing Aizawa man said to Killua. It really looked like Aizawa could fall asleep any moment.

'Wait, are you going to interrogate me?" Killua said while pretending to be innocent. He wanted to know where he was before he would answer any questions.

Aizawa sighed, he was not in the mood to deal with a stubborn child. "While you were out the nurses told me that you weren't registered in any of their databases. I want to help you find your family again and let them know about your wellbeing." Aizawa wanted to know more about the boy's connections with the villains but Killua didn't need to know that.

"I'm from Yorknew city."

"Do you mean New York city?" Aizawa asked a little confused.

"New York city? I'm pretty sure it's Yorknew city." Responded Killua. Aizawa took a silver thing from his pocket and typed something in it. He looked at me and said, "It says that it doesn't exist."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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