~chapter 1~

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Heyy guys,

This is going to be my First book. It is going to be a hunter x hunter and my Hero academia (boku no Hero academia) cross-overs. If you haven't watch the anime or read the manga, well there're spoilers.

Also my native language isn't English So sorry for any vocabulary or grammar mistakes. If you see any mistakes please post it in the comments so I can correct it.

If there are a lot of spelling mistakes it is because of google translate, word and my friends who as they say themselves 'are good in english'. So I'll blame them. ( ^ω^ )

Alright let's begin :)

Rain was pouring down from the sky on a white-haired boy's face. His body felt numb. He couldn't move his limbs. As the boy slowly opened his eyes, in a flash he saw how a small building beneath him grew bigger and bigger. 'Shit, I'm falling!', he thought. Slowly he regained control of his body. While trying to move his body into the trained falling position that he had to do so many times thanks to his parents. He felt a jolt of pain in his head. Before he could get into his exact falling position everything went black.


There was a man with long black hair and a white scarf around his neck standing on a three-story building. There was a tip that a drug deal was going to take place in this neighborhood, in a alley close to the bar, 'Cheers!' (such creativity -_-). The underground pro hero Eraserhead pulls out his phone. Almost midnight, the deal should take place soon.

The underground hero was about to move to the alley when his phone rang. He stopped himself from jumping of the building and picked up the phone. "Hello?" Said Eraserhead as he wondered who called him this late at night. "YOOOO AIZAWA!" Yelled the person on the other side of the phone. He could recognize the voice from thousands. "Please Hizashi, keep it down", said Eraserhead as if he just woke up. "Did you see who you will be teaching these years?" "Yeah" he responded while he was sitting on the edge of the building. "It will be some though years for you." "Yeah I notice how loud they were in the entrance Exam" he responds. "That's not what I meant, I-" "Did you call me just to talk about my class?" interrupted the hero annoyed. "Do you have something better to do?" Said Hizashi. " Well, I was about to stop a drug deal but then you called" "WAIT YOU'RE NOW OUT ON THE FIELD?!" Aizawa had to pull his phone away from his face, otherwise he might go deaf. "Why are you so surprised?" he said while rubbing on his painfull ears. "Well, it's nothing like you to go outside this late, let alone be awake." He responded.

Normally Aizawa wasn't awake this late but he got an important hint. Plus, soon he will teach class-1A. This will probably the last time he has the energy to do work other than his class, or what you concidering calling energy. " I got an important hint on a case I was working on and I wanted to check it out." He responded. "Owh I get it. Do you need any backup?" Aizawa wasn't at all in the mood for this, considering that having Hizashi next to you would mean that the entire neighbourhood would wake up. "No I'm fine, it's just a drug deal." He responded. "Oh, I get it, be careful!" " yeah yeah, whatever" Aizawa responded and hung up the phone but Hizashi knew he appreciated his concern.

He was looking at his phone, ten minutes before the drug deal will take place. He stood up and ran in the direction of were the drug deal will take place.

Eraserhead landed on a building that gave him a clear view of the alley beneath him. He crouches down so they wouldn't be able to see him up there. When Eraserhead came to the edge he saw that there weren't any people in the alley. He only saw a big crater with blood being spread all around it. Something went horribly wrong during this deal. Most of the the deel went well. Sometimes things would go wrong and there would be a fight, but this, this was new for the underground hero.

He checked again to see of there were any villains left in the alley. When he was sure there was nobody left, he jumped of the building, using his scarf to slow his fall down so he could land softly. He inspected the walls for scratches. As he guided his hands along the wall, he found nothing. This wasn't a fight, this was just a one way battle. He stopped walking and saw a trail of blood going further into the alley. His hands slid into his pocket where his phone was. Should I call Hizashi? No, if I wait too long here there will be a chance that the villains will get away with it. Even if this person is still alive when he has lost this much blood, he won't survive for long.' With that thought Eraserhead ran further into the alley.

The trail of blood led into a building. It seemed like the villains went inside the building. It was an abandoned building. So was the building right across it. Eraserhead went inside the other building in the hope to see where the villains where hiding. He saw people, villains he tought, on the second floor. He put on his binoculars so he could see what was going on. He saw 6 villains standing in a circle around something, but he couldn't determine what is was. Eraserhead noticed that the villains were carrying guns. If he was going to attack he needed to sneak up on them, so they wouldn't be able to draw their guns. One of the villains took out his phone and left the circle. This gave him a chance to see the thing in the middle of the circle.Tingles went down the pro hero's body. Surrounded by villains there lay a boy down on the ground who was tied up. His clothes were soaked in blood. Had the villains beaten him up? The blood trail was probably created from his blood. With this much blood lose this person was on the verge of death.

Eraserhead stood up. He used his scarf to jump to the other building. He crashed through the window, and glass shattered all over the place from the impact. The villains immediately turned around and ran towards the underground pro hero to attack him. Eraserhead's hair went up and his eyes turned red. The villains realized they couldn't use their quirks anymore. Before the villains could draw their guns, they were trapped in the white scarf. The underground pro hero had the scarf in his hands. He crossed his arms knocking the villains into each other. Eraserhead ran up to the man. When he got closer, he saw that the person was just a child. Why would the villains beat up a child? Did this child really piss off these villains? There are many why people would want to beat up a child, but to actually do it is another step. Aizawa wasn't really fan of children which is a great thing for a teacher to have. He put the child against the wall and checked for wounds. The white hair of the boy slowly went red. He used bandages to keep pressure on the wound on hsi head so that he would lose less blood. His leg was dislocated and a bone was sticking out of his arm. 'Wow, he sure made them angry.' Eraserhead thought.

Eraserhead wanted to pick up the boy to take him to the hospital, when he saw that one of the villains was still conscious. He got his scarf and he tied him up in, atleast that was what he thought. The villain managed to get his gun out of the holster before the pro hero could tie him up in his scarf. The villain tried to point his gun at the pro hero, but the scarf prevented him from pointing his arm in the direction. Before the villain went knock out, he tried to shoot the pro hero. The bullet flew past the hero. For a moment the hero thought the villain had misfired, but then it occurred to him that the boy was still behind him.

'Shit'. He slammed the villain against the wall and turned to the boy. The white-haired boy was hit by the bullet in his side. He clicked a button on his phone, to let the police know his location. He picked up the white-haired boy and ran off to the hospital. "Hang in there boy, it's going to be fine," he said to the unconscious boy.


Alright this was my first chapter. Man, this was harder than I thought. I'm really really bad at English.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it  :D

Have a nice dayyyyyyyyyy

The Assasin HeroDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora