Chapter 1 - Instant Crush

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Hey, all! Here's my second Suite Life story! I love this show, mainly for Zack since he's so hilarious. In my last story, I paired him with London (the story's called "London Fever"), but in this one, he finds himself drawn to a girl not seen in the show, and one who is not much to look at, at least in her opinion. Will he boost poor her self-esteem?

The story is set in "Suite Life on Deck," sometime before Zack meets his girlfriend later in the show, and it's a story I wrote a few years ago, I'm just now getting it posted.

I hope you guys like this one! =)

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"Who's the new girl?"

"Who cares? What score did you get on Top Commander?"

Haley knew that she would get this kind of reaction. She always did whenever she entered a new school. It didn't matter if it was on the sea or land, people still had the same opinion of her. Also, it didn't help that this was the worst break-out that she ever had on her face, not that the one she had since she was twelve was any better. The only areas without zits were her eyelids and lips. It wasn't an allergic reaction, puberty just wasn't very nice to her.

The bell rang, and she left her history class, passing her other classmates in the Seven Seas High hallway. She walked fast passed them so she could get to her next class, Geography, without being noticed. Not that people would notice her, anyway. She would just make it to the classroom and hide in a corner desk. Maybe the teacher wouldn't call on her to introduce herself. She didn't need to first period, thank goodness, since she ducked under her desk.

In the hallway, she ran head-on into someone as she was lost in her thoughts. Her binder fell to the floor, as well as her books. Papers flew out of her binder. She quickly knelt to pick them up and noticed the person just standing there.

"Help her!" some guy chided, and the person she ran into knelt down and started picking up her papers and handing them back. She noticed in the corner of her vision that this was a guy, and someone smacked his shoulder and said, "Apologize."

"Sorry I ran into you," he said and she finally looked up as she had everything in her hands. She blinked a few times. What a cute boy!

She stood up, as did he. He handed her a couple papers as she stared at him, and she took the papers absentmindedly. "Um... it's okay."

"You must be new," said the other guy with him, a blonde as well. "I saw you in first period, but I didn't get a chance to introduce myself."

She blinked and looked between the two blonde guys for a second. They looked alike, were about the same height, and looked the same age... twins? Her gaze remained on the one she ran into, a guy with a black and blue plaid shirt on. "Yeah, I am," she said and tucked some frizzy dirty-blonde hair behind her ear. "I'm Haley Daily."

The guy she ran into snickered, and the other guy gave him a look, then nudged him with creased brows. They both looked back at her. She knew her name was comical—people made fun of it all the time in her past four high schools, two middle schools and three elementary schools.

"Sorry about him." The other guy held out a hand. "I'm Cody Martin, and this is my tact-less and blind brother Zack."

"Hey," Zack protested.

"Well, you did run into her," Cody reminded him.

"I was focused on something else."

"Yeah, a something else that happens to have long, sleek brown hair."

Zack smirked. "Something worth looking at."

Cody shook his head and looked back at Haley. "Anyway, it's nice to meet you, Haley. Where are you from?"

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