"How come I can't hear your thoughts?" He asked, gazing back at me this time.

"I don't want to overwhelm you," I confessed, I didn't want all this to be too much for him so suddenly, it was a lot to take in after all, without hearing my thoughts all the time.

"Can you hear mine?"

"Only if I want to." I didn't want to pry, even if we are mated now.

He nodded slowly, sitting in silence for a while. I let him, and just enjoyed his company as the sun rose higher in the sky and finally out of my face.

"I want to hear them," he said after a while.

"Are you sure?" My mind can be pretty active at times and having to deal with your own thoughts, and somebody else's, can be a real pain in the ass.

But Kaygen nodded anyway, albeit not confidently.

"Tell me if you've had enough," I said, before I opened my mind to him.

I probably should have felt vulnerable, but I didn't, although I was now all too aware that he could now hear everything I was thinking.

"Do you mind?"

No. You're my mate, I want to share everything with you, it's exciting that you can read my thoughts, I feel even closer to you, and I couldn't be happier. You'll learn how to block out my thoughts after a while, it will come in handy, but for now I can stop that whenever you want.

"I don't see a problem with it," he thought.

It can become distracting at times and hearing my thoughts all the time is bound to get on your nerves eventually.

"Are you listening to my thoughts?"


"Then how can you hear me?"

Because you want me to.

Kaygen looked at me confused and I smiled, squeezing his hand gently in mine.

A mind link has been formed between us, so if you think something you want me to hear, I'll hear it and vice versa, but if you don't want me to hear it I won't, unless I'm listening to your thoughts.

"Do you want to listen to my thoughts?"

I want to do whatever makes you comfortable. This is all new, and just because I find it exciting, doesn't mean you will.

"It is kind of exciting," he admitted, I grinned happily, pulling Kaygen into my arms on the bed, and hugging him around the waist.

"Alright, no need to get sappy." He rolled his eyes but let me hug him.

"We're officially mated, I can be as sappy as I please."

I cuddled him closer to me, and he placed his head on my chest, letting me hold him.

We lay on the bed like that for a while, the grin never leaving my face, and I sighed out in content.

"I'm so happy, Kaygen," I confessed, my eyes never leaving his body pressed against mine.

"Me too, Nate...me too."


-Kaygen's POV-

"You can listen to my thoughts by the way, I don't mind."

Nate turned to grin at me, why something like this was so important to him was beyond me, I didn't even know how to block his thoughts out, so if anything, I would say he's the lucky one here.

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