Chapter Forty-One

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-Kaygen's POV-

Pain. That was the only word I could use to explain how I was feeling, there was an aching in my chest that I couldn't explain, and I felt uncomfortable in my own skin.

It was the reason I was tempted to jump off the bus early and skip school but for some reason I never did, I stayed seated for the whole journey until I saw the approaching bus stop just around the corner from my school, and I was forced to press the button.

The bus slowly came to a stop and instead of dawdling down the aisle, taking my time, I found my steps to be quicker than usual.

The tightening in my chest increased and it felt like I couldn't breathe, it was horrible, and I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me panic a little.

What is going on with me? I didn't even think to thank the driver as I stepped onto the sidewalk, am I sick? It kind of felt like it and even though the rain came down heavier around me, it felt so hot, the sun may as well have been shining down on me from how the heat spread through my body.

I was already dreading the day ahead of me, but on a good note it is Thursday, only one more day before the weekend, well not including today that is.

It is also the day before the full moon, I wonder how Nate is doing, to be honest, it is Thursday, I don't have anything important happening at school, so I am more than willing to skip, maybe Nate would be up for going into town or something.

The more I thought about the idea, the more tempting it became, I suppose there was no harm in asking, right? I feel like shit anyway so the last thing I want to do is sit through hours of boring classes, surrounded by idiots.

With the newfound excitement I made my way into the school parking lot, it was still a little early but that means I could catch Nate before he actually enters the school, I'll just have to wait for him, or so I thought.

I was wrong, because when I stepped into the parking lot, I spotted him instantly, it wasn't like Nate to arrive at school early, and my feet never once stopped, instantly being drawn into the boy by an invisible pull.

His head turned quickly, eyes locking onto mine and I had to force myself not to run as I watched him walk towards me, meeting me halfway, until we were standing in front of each other.

Except he didn't stop, he closed the gap between us and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me against him in a hug that made all the pain disappear.

Air entered my lungs, filling me with life once more, removing every ounce of pain that consumed my body and I felt okay again, hell I felt more than okay.

It was like magic, I couldn't explain it, but I craved it. I didn't care if anyone saw us, I need this right now and by how tight Nate was holding onto me, he did too.

"Are you okay?" I mumbled into his shoulder, enjoying his strong scent that embedded into his hoodie.

"I am now," he sighed happily against my neck, causing a shiver to wrack through my body.

"Wanna skip?" I asked and groaned aloud in displeasure when he pulled away from me, and there it was, his usual goofy grin that I didn't realise just how much I missed.

"Sorry baby, you surprised me, I would love to skip." His eyes sparkled, gazing at me like I was his entire world and I smiled.

"Let's get the fuck out of here," I chuckled, and didn't resist when Nate's hand grabbed mine, pulling me towards his car with an even bigger grin.

I let our hands interlock, not caring about anything else, I felt complete again with him by my side and a part of me wondered if this is the way it would always be from now on.

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