Enrollee Patrollee

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I'm the only human in this school. Not really the only human left. Let's just say their are still humans in here but I'm the ultimate human....here.

Doesn't make sense? Sorry, I'm clearly the worst at describing things.

Okay let's put it this way, the other kind of humans I was talking about are just latebloomers Superheroes. Their DNA mixed up gene isn't complete yet.

Maybe being a latebloomer runs in their family.

Well, not me. My family are all pure and innocent humans.

"Principal Mage, how you doin?" I greeted the most respected man in this humble abode.

He grinched and his eyebrows suddenly got closer to each other. Looks like he didn't like my early greeting. Bummer.

"You better mop those hallways before Lady Granch come inspecting them again." After that he turned sideways.

"Will do, Principal Mage."

I was about to walk away but then I heard him whisper something.

"After yesterday's incident, I think you'll be doing more cleaning than ever. I hope no one finds out about the experimental glitch last night..."

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"What was what?" He suddenly looked like he felt a bolt of lightnight travel through him.

"About yesterday's...glitch??"

His eyes widened. I have to know more about that glitch. Because apparently, that glitch hitted me.

"Uhh..." His eyes started gleaming and it turned blue.

Oh no. He's using his mind trick to me again. I heard that his superpower excels in manipulating a persons mind. 'Blue eyes means he's trying to make you forget something he said or has happened.'

I knew that he was now staring at me, but nothing happened. "Mr. Dale, you are just a mere janitor in this school so I suggest you go back to your....daily chores." He gave me a pat on my back and proceeded on going to his wherever he is going.

I felt furious at first, but then when I looked at him, I heard something. Something inside him. I was inside of his head.

That was close. I thought he was about to find out about Geniusly's device breakdown yesterday. That human must be out of this or else...

"Or else what." I shouted in his head.

He turned around shocked as I am.


"Principal Mage."

How on earth did you get into my head?! How...

"I'm just as surprised as you are Principal Mage..."

This time he was coming closer. Close enough to grab my shoulders and talk to me in person. Not telepathicly.

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