Chapter 4: The Faunus and The Grimm (Part 1)

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-Sutoretchi's POV-

I begged for Alcina to wake up, constantly shaking her forcing her to wake up. Cried and cried for her as I waited for her to wake up, but she didn't....She didn't even wake up for me, of all the girls in remnant why did it have to be her. I felt her blood on my legs as I stared at her lifeless eyes, she died for me....Why did I even make that promise to her if its all gonna be for nothing, I shouldn't have answered her question....I hate myself so much, I hate myself for being so weak, I was the one that's gonna die for her but, she turned the tables and died for me instead....I guess, I should go home with my brother and Sister, I need to avenge Alcina....I need to kill him, Adam Taurus.

"That bastard will pay, for killing you and destroying our village....He. Will. Pay...." I said as I stood up from the ground

I carried Alcina and walked all the way from our village to the huntsmen camp, Everyone saw me with sadness in their eyes. I gently placed her on a table and stared at the village doctor my eyes were telling him to help her and the doctor did, I looked at the doctor and saw him check her pulse after he checked her pulse he shook his head with sadness in his eyes while looking down on the ground. My eyes widened as I started to feel my legs getting weak and suddenly sat down the floor and started hyperventilating filling my mind with Anger and Rage.

"No....No, this can't be happening...."
I started holding my head in anger while crying

"Sutoretchi, Calm down! We don't want to attract the grimm here too"

I looked at her and slapped her hand at full force

"Don't tell me to calm down! She's....She's dead! Because of me! She's dead because of me! I'm going to kill Adam Taurus! For what he did! HE. WILL. PAY!!!"

I screamed at the top of my lungs as my semblance started to activate by itself and my body was covered with my golden burning aura. All of the survivors in the camp started to step away from me until, Headmaster Samuel knocked me unconscious, kneeling down as my body hits the ground while the others went near me with Curiosity and confusion in their minds.

-Jauregui's POV-

Samuel started to notice that Sutoretchi has a very visible aura surrounding his body, the headmaster started investigating his aura and looked at his mother and started inspecting her aura as well. He stood up and proceeded to walk to the table and grabs the empty vial that was on his hand and started inspecting the small remaining liquid.

"Well....What is it, Headmaster Samuel?"

Headmaster Samuel:
"Well, this liquid right here is the aura and a semblance of a person. We don't know who its from and how he got this but, I'm sure it has something to do with Professor Lionheart, but right now we have to get out of here before the Grimm shows up again.

He said as he started to pack his remaining things, Everyone was in shock when they heard their headmaster talk about an someone's aura being contained inside a vial along with its semblance, they all proceeded to pack their remaining things and left the camp but, some people carried Sutoretchi, Alcina and Emiya with stretchers and proceeded to leave the camp, there are also some huntsmen that died in the village and there also some of them that survived the fight againts the Grimm, although only the huntresses are the only ones that didn't lose a single life in their group, except for Alcina.

Everyone in the group started removing their negative thoughts and started going for the positive ones so the Grimm wouldn't be able to track them down through emotions, so instead they would get track us down manually.

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