Age of ultron (part 7)

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I go help Nat and Cap, Thor said he didn't want any help, Baner was frightened for some reason.
"Nat are you ok?" I ask
She doesn't respond I go to cap to see that he has a worried look on his face

"Kid let them rest" says Stark

I leave them alone and go to Clint
"Where are we going Clint?" I ask

Clint: "You'll see"

I go back
After like 20 min we arrive at this little house in the middle of nowhere. I see this woman come out of the house as Clint puts down the jet. After the jet is on the ground Clint opens the door and gets out, Stark and I help the others to get off of the jet and we all go to the house.

I see Clint and that woman kiss
"So he does have a girlfriend" i say to myself. We go in and we all stand in a line like we're soldiers, Stark does the most awkward little wave I have ever seen. While I chuckle because of what Stark did, I hear a little crunch I look at Thor as he looks down, and he stepped on some toy. As we were looking at Thor for breaking whatever that you was. We hear some little kids
"Daddyyyy" and they run to Clint, we were super confused.

"Where's auntie Nat" the little girl says
I look at Nat as that little girl runs to her, so cute.
I look at the woman more closely and I see that she's pregnant. "That better be his wife" I think to myself.

"Tony Stark" Stark puts his hand out

Me: "I think she knows who you are, the Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist." I laugh and slap his hand out of the way.

That woman: "Yea I know who all of you are except you" *looks at me* "I am Laura"

"Hi, Lin I'm new in this so-called team" I smile

I see Nat go to her and she looks at her belly
"Nice to meet you, come in you guys want something to drink?" Yes please
We all go sit down and Laura gets us something to drink, I can see that she's struggling a little bit because of her belly so I stand up and go help her, she gives me a warm smile. We all decided to help Clint and his family. While I help Laura in the kitchen, Nat goes to take a shower and Steve & Tony crack wood. Clint was trying to fix the Tractor, he couldn't do it so he went to stark for his help

"Hey stark, I need some help with the Tractor"

"Sure I'll help you"
When he went to look at the Tractor, he saw someone, Fury.

Lin pov

I love it here, idk about Steve and stuff and to be honest I don't really care. While I was playing with Clint's Kids Tony bursts in with Fury behind him.

"Gather around we need to have a talk"
Fury said angry.

We all go to the table and Fury starts talking about how we have to take down Ultron.We didn't know how, we didn't know where he was
"Has anybody checked on dr.Helen Cho?" Bruce asks.
Fury explains the plan and Tony decided it was better for us to spilt up.
He said that he'll go and tell Ultron where we'll be, while Cap, Barton, Nat and I go against him in South Korea.

When we get there we see a big truck and think that he might be in there.
"I'll go check" I say while I open my glider, Clint opens the doors and I fly out.
I go down to the truck and I see two robots driving it.
I look at them and they look back, shit they saw me

"Dammit! They're here in this truck!! They saw me Steve come fast" I say.

"Coming right now Lin!"
I see Cap jump out the jet and land on the truck
"Lets do this" I say while giving Steve a cocky smile. I land on the truck and close my Glider.
He chuckled and we see Ultron come out from the back of the truck.
As soon as I see Ultron I hit him with my glider and he falls off the truck but he gets right back.
"I don't like you" Ultron says while looking at me
"Asshole" I say to myself
"That goes both ways!" I yell at him.

We start to fight Ultron and Cap lost his shield so I have to have eyes for him too, all of the sudden the truck starts flying
"What the-" I say to myself
I open my glider and I fly in Ultron his direction and fly with him off the truck. He gets away from my grip and goes for Cap.

"Shit! Nat where are you?" I ask
"On my way, I always have to pick up after you guys" she says as she picks up Caps shield.

I turn around and see Ultron throw Cap intro a train I fly as fast as I could and see Nat with caps shield I fly down and take it, she smiles at me.
I fly over to Cap and Ultron and give Cap his shield. I land on the train and sigh.

"Let's hope this works" I say to myself
I concentrate on Ultron and close my eyes, I put my hand out and I can feel how I'm moving the metal with my hand
"Ha asshole"
I open my eyes and I throw Ultron off of Cap.
Ultron got mad and he pushed me, I almost flew off of the train.
When someone catched me

"Try not to fall next time" someone said in a familiar voice.

"You" I say as I give him a confused look

"Yes me" he says while he gives me a stupid smirk

"Stop flirting you too" a girl says,
He puts me down and as I try to stand up I see that Ultron hurt my leg so I couldn't really stand up.

I see him run into Ultron and hurt him after he goes that he looks at me and gives me a wink, 'he's cute' I think to myself 'what the hell Lin'
I see the girl put something in front of Ultron.
"Anyone eyes on Nat" Clint yells

"No? Why?" I ask.

"Can't see her" Clint sounds worried.

I try to fly out of the train but my leg is hurt and I couldn't, "shit" I say to myself.
When Ultron realized that he can't win, so he flew out.

"Can you stop this thing?" Cap asks while looking at Wanda.
She tries to stop the train. Pietro realized I was hurt and came to help me, he picked me up and ran with me out of the train. Then he went to take the people out of the way since the train wasn't on the train tracks anymore.

I try to heal my leg but it won't work, "what the hell" I ask myself. I look up and see that the train stopped, I also see Cap coming out with Wanda and Pietro running towards me. He asked if everything was alright, I said yes, I lied.

"Thanks for helping us, but I thought you guys were with Ultron" Cap says

"We were, until we found out he's planning on killing everyone on this planet" says Wanda.

"And why would he do that? And from who would he get that idea?" Cap asks curiously.

"It can't be Stark, right?" I say unsure while I try to stand up, Pietro helped me and kept his arm around my waist so that I don't fall.

"Well he created him, so who do you think he got that idea from?" Wanda asks in a sarcastic way.

"Shit!" Yells Cap, he starts running back to the jet.

"You guys can run, I'll walk it's better for my leg" I say

"I'll walk with you" says Pietro

"Thanks" I say with a warm smile on my face

"Why is he so nice" I ask myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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