Once I dropped him off I hopped right back in my car.

"Where are you going?" My second older brother, Amari asked.

"I'm going to have a 'talk' with Akari." I told him. I was so angry that he had done this.

"I'm coming with you." He opened the passenger door and got in.

When we got to Akari's house we banged on his door until he opened it.

"What? Oh it's just you two?" He laughed.

We both shoved our way in and slammed the door shut.

"Ain't no laughing here, Akari." I pushed him.

"And what are you so mad for?"

"Aren't you missing something?" I questioned.

"What are you talking ab-" I cut him off.

"Don't play dumb. Let me ask you again. Aren't you missing something?"

"Or someone?" Amari added.

He stood there for a couple of seconds.

He gasped, "Kamil, I left him."

"Who brings a two year old around something like that? Huh Akari, who?" I pushed him again.

"Quit pushing me. I didn't mean to."

"What do you mean?"

"I just had to do that real quick" He looked around for his keys.

"So you're telling me you couldn't have left him with someone? Are you dead serious right now?" Amari asked.

"Look I'd appreciate it if y'all would get out my way. I need to go back." Akari said.

"No need. We have him, as for yo car though. Who knows what might have happened by now." I told him.

Amari and I left the house furious. I knew my brother doesn't think without doing but this right here was not it.

Two days later Akari and two of his friends were arrested for something that had nothing to do with the other night. He ended up getting two and half years.

As much as my parents wanted to take Kamil in I decided to take him in myself. We have this special bond I can't describe it but it's special.

Flashback over

"Yeah sure. I'm leaving, I'm taking Kamil to go visit Kari." Kari is our older brother and Kamil's father.

"Tell him I said hi." Mar said.

"Okay, I'll see you two later." I said before going upstairs to get Kamil.

We arrived and waited for Kari to come out.

"Are you excited Kamil?" I questioned as I saw a huge smile on his face.

"Yep. I'm excited." He swung his feet back and forth since he couldn't reach the ground.

Kari was brought out and he took a seat.

"Wassup Kamil? Desiree, how are you?" Kari said.

"Good, how about you?" I responded.

"Making it through. I have two weeks left." He scratched his head.

"Really! Can you come to my party?" Kamil excitedly asked.

"Party?" Kari looked confused.

"My birthday party. You remember my birthday right?" Kamil looked at his dad.

"Yes it's August 11th?" Kari said.

Wow he doesn't even remember Kamil's birthday. Just sad.

"No, it's August 14th." Kamil laughed.

"Just making sure you remember?" He tried to downplay.

"I do! I'm gonna be five." Kamil put five fingers up.

"Will you come?" Kamil asked again.

"Of course I'll come. I will bring a gift and a balloon." Kari answered.

"It can not be a balloon with regular air." I informed Akari.

Ever since that night any time a balloon pops near Kamil he cries. Even though he was two years old when it happened and doesn't remember. According to his doctor the sound of a balloon popping resembles the sound of a gun shot to him.

Kari looked at me weirdly but didn't say anything.

Kamil and Kari talked until his time was up. This was the part Kamil hated. He hated seeing his father go. And it broke my heart each time I saw the sad look on Kamil's face.

When we got in the car I asked Kamil if he wanted ice cream to cheer him up.

He wanted froyo instead. So I drove to the nearest Sweet Frog.

"Let's have some fun!"

I smiled at Kamil through the rear view mirror and turned up the music.

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