Day 182

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Whoever refuse to work is not allowed to eat.

We all have the obligation to work. We work to earn a living. We work to to pay our expenses in life, we work so that we can experience how it  to do labor, to taste the price of our hardwork. But, in working, don't forget also to work with GOD. Our work without God in it is nothing. When you work, do it for the Glory of God. Work with a pure heart, work as a servant of God. Let Jesus be your master in everything that you do. Don't live a lazy life: "We say this because we hear that there are some people among you who live lazy lives and who do nothing except meddle in others people's business." (2 Thessalonians 3:11 TEV).

Work day and night with love. If tired then rest. It doesn't matter what others tell you, what matters most is your relationship with God as you work. Show also compassion to your brethren when you work, share them about God. May the Lord himself who is the source of peace give you strength in everything you do. Whoever refuse to work for the Lord is not allowed to eat, work, for God's sake.


Father in Heaven, I am anointed to work for your Glory. Give me enough courage to fight the laziness within me. Amen

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