To be able to afford gates this big and fences this high surrounding their whole lot,

That she couldn't even guess how much further it extends to based on what you see up front.

She could literally feel the shift with the lifestyle this subdivision has in opposite of the rest of the city,

And Minju kind of hates the feeling of having to know that.

It doesn't even matter knowing that your neighbors may have or may even have more money than you,

Or that your egos must be similar knowing that the both of you are rich,

And it's unnecessary for them to do these kinds of things knowing that they,

Rich people,

Know the basic manners a person needs in life for them to be even considered as one.

It's so unusual for her and she's really not loving the whole thing of it.

Rolling up on the driveway of a mansion that doesn't have gates,

Makes Minju a little bit more comfortable knowing that they won't just roll up on someone else's house in purpose,

If it's not theirs,

The greenery and outdoor furniture scattered all over their front yard feels kind of homy too,

Unlike the other places they passed by,

She thinks that whatever all this is they have displayed for every other people to notice,

Must be Chaewon's mom's work as she is the person who would be like this if they landed in here,

Due to the need to move here due to her status in life.

She knows her a little and she thinks she's not the person who's very arrogant,

And she can already feel how right she is after seeing only the front of their house.

Going down the car one by one with their bags in their backs and in their hands,

Heecheol locked the car they rode on for a good 3 and a half hours while Chaewon kept yawning,

Her hands rubbing the living hell out of her eyes ever since she woke up to be surprised they were already home,

She asked Minju when she first woke up and if she ever talked while she was asleep,

And she was glad that her answer was no or that could've been risky knowing her body can say anything while she's unconsciously sleeping.

"The mattress you asked for is already by your bedroom floor so, just look for me when either of you need anything."

"I know."

"Thank you oppa"

Following him through the stairs leading to the doors of their mansion-looking house,

Minju feels pressured walking onto it right now,

It's like a once in a lifetime opportunity and she doesn't want to fail it just because she became nervous,

Or she suddenly got too afraid to even step on its floors which Chaewon and Heecheol could normally step on.

If she could only have something to have her back at all times......

"You okay?"

"Yeah- yeah I am."

"Come on, you need to sleep."

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