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Jumping up from her once comfortable position down by her couch with a singular pillow falling down onto the ground,

The amount of disbelief she unwantedly caught with her father's words not technically flowing out of her other ear unlike how her brother suggested she would do,

Chaewon whole-heartedly felt just by the way he said it like it was Chaewon's whole life he was talking about,

He's always on the other side of fights when it happens that's why Chaewon never showed her good side to him,

Yes he may not be her real father but there's tons and tons of other people out there who are in good terms with their step dad's but why did it end like this with her and her father?

At least some bother to have the usual conversations with their daughters and even bond with them,

Yet why does it seem like every bad thing you could have within a relationship managed to land on her and her father's?

"I harassed a customer? Who said that? The girl who came in there blabbering that her mom owns my restaurant? Me and my mom's own restaurant?"

Stating a couple of facts that her father looks like won't accept that easily,

Chaewon wanted to end their call right now as she knows this won't end in a good note like any other of their calls,

But to let her ego hear what her dad has to say always wins over her own consciousness of what's happening and her responsibility slowly sliding down from her current state of mind.

"Listen Kim Chaewon, I may not know the whole story since it looks like Martin's too busy to report it to me right now so,

I'll give you one opportunity to tell me everything from your point of view."

Her dad reaching his limits as quick as a pack of chips getting crowded by your classmates once you open one inside your classroom,

Chaewon paused her tv as she opened her curtains to hopefully help her calm down with the lights illuminating the city below her through this conversation right now,

She's not in the best mood and her fries are getting cold and might become stale before this call of hers can even end.

"Are you serious right now?

You want me to explain the whole thing and not realize midway that you'll just use everything I said against me once you find a soft spot to hit and make me crumble?

Appa I may be your daughter but I'm not that dumb of a person"

"You did just call me dumb right now but I'll let that slide and still give you that opportunity if you can calm yourself down in the next 5 minutes"

"Listen Chaewon, I'm just trying to understand you here while handling this report so it won't ruin your name that may affect your own future,

Trust me, you'll thank me once you realize what I'm doing.

You're a Kim, your mom's an actress, I have a popular corporation under my name that you're also using as your own security measure anyways,

What can you not understand?"

"Doing what? Understand what?

That manipulating your own daughter so she has a guaranteed bright future ahead of her is right?

So, I could be like those other kids forced to marry other people's sons so they could be rich?

So, I can continue your legacy as a Kim?"

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